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Llanrhidian Primary School

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Schools as Learning Organisations



Wales is committed to providing high-quality and inclusive education for all its citizens. It therefore in 2011 embarked on a large-scale school improvement reform that has become increasingly comprehensive and focused on the ongoing development and implementation of a new, 21st century school curriculum.


Wales considers the development of schools as learning organisations (SLOs)  a key means for realising the new curriculum.


A SLO has the capacity to change and adapt routinely to new environments and circumstances as its members, individually and together, learn their way to realising their vision.


Collective working and learning and expanding the skills and learning of new ones by many teachers, teaching support staff, school leaders and others involved is believed essential for bringing Wales’ new curriculum to life.


We use the school's as learning organisation survey regularly and use the results to inform our self evaluation process.

Below is our most recent overview from autumn 2023.

Schools as Learning Organisations - Interactive PDF

The Professional Learning Journey for teaching practitioners - an introduction

Uploaded by Addysg Cymru / Education Wales on 2020-02-10.

The new national approach to professional learning for education practitioners in Wales

This animation explains a new approach to Professional Learning for Education practitioners in Wales, which will help them realise the new Curriculum for wales.

Schools as learning organisations - with subtitles

Uploaded by Addysg Cymru / Education Wales on 2019-02-15.
