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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Self Evaluation Documents

This Self Evaluation Document outlines the school's strengths and areas for development.  It is based upon robust and continuous processes of evaluation which involves all stakeholders.  Information gathered that informs the document includes:-


  • performance data
  • progress data
  • attendance data
  • quality of pupils' work
  • listening to learners
  • quality of teachers' planning


Every teacher in Llanrhidian is part of a team who is responsible for leading and improving areas of the curriculum, a pupil group or an area for development.  It is expected that every teacher monitors effectively throughout the year in order to effectively evaluate performance.  In Llanrhidian we strongly believe that self evaluation is a process, and NOT an event. 


Monitoring reports are submitted, at least termly, to the governing body for scrutiny.  Areas of strengths are identified and shared.  Areas for development are dealt with through support, guidance and high expectations. 


As a result, leaders in the school are able to construct an accurate Self Evaluation Document (SED) which provides all stakeholders with an overview for improvement.  This feeds directly into the School Development Plan.  




Self Evaluation Document 2020-2021

Self Evaluation Report 2019-2020
