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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

Contact Details

Slot Drilio

Dydd Mawrth



Dw i'n hapus

Mae hi'n hapus

Mae e'n hapus

Mae Tom yn hapus

Dw i'n dwist

Mae hi'n drist

Mae e'n drist

Mae Sally yn drist

Dydd Mercher - Ditectif Ddosbarth 


Choose a 'ditectif' to leave the room 

Identify a spy and agree three facts using the pattern 'mae hi'n/ mae e'n'

Can the ditectif identify the spy?! Pob lwc!

Dydd Iau


Can you translate these sentences? Use scrap paper if you need to!


1. This is Harry

2. He likes running

3. She likes eating fish

4. She is 10

5. He is happy

6. Joe likes maths

7. Kirsty goes to Llanrhidian school

8. She likes football because it is good for her

Dydd Gwener - Cyfrifiadur


