L.O: To put forward ideas and opinions in shared writing
L.O: To choose words to change for more exciting writing
L.O: To make appropriate choices about vocabulary for the audience
Let's warm up!
Re write these sentences using '2A's'.
1. Ronnie was a boy.
2. It was September 1939 when the war started.
3. He stepped towards his new parents.
4. Ronnie saw his new house.
Re write 2 of these sentences using '2A's' and 2 using 'double ly'
1. Ronnie was a boy.
2. It was September 1939 when the war started.
3. He stepped towards his new parents.
4. Ronnie planned to run away.
Re write 2 of these sentences using '2A's', 2 using 'double ly' and 2 using '3ed'.
1. Ronnie was a boy.
2. It was September 1939 when the war started.
3. He stepped towards his new parents.
4. Ronnie planned to run away.
5. Ronnie arrived at his old house.
6. His father returned from work.
Re write the sentences using:
1 x 2As
1 x double ly
1 x 3ed
1 x If, if, then
1 x outside (inside)
1 x last word, first word
1. Ronnie was a boy.
2. It was September 1939 when the war started.
3. He stepped towards his new parents.
4. Ronnie planned to run away.
5. Ronnie arrived at his old house.
6. His father returned from work.
Main Task!
Today we will be writing your stories! Each section on your 'story mountain' or 'story circle' is a paragraph. A paragraph should roughly take you 10 minutes to write.
Cofia! Vary your sentence starters and keep your vocabulary interesting. You might need to use a thesaurus to help you. Below is a WAGOLL to help you, as well as our vocabulary word mats.
Pob Lwc!