Tasc Un:
Planning our writing using a story map! This afternoon you will be using your story map to write about a trip to France!
- Write about Saturday morning and afternoon - where did you go? Who did you go with? How was it?
- Write about Sunday morning and afternoon - where did you go? Who did you go with? How was it?
Ar Dydd Sadwrn, es i i twr Eiffel gyda fy brawd. Roedd hi'n hwyl!
- Write about your trip to Paris. How did you get there?
- Write about Saturday and Sunday writing about the mornings and the afternoon. Where did you go? How was it? Who did you go with?
- Use a range of sentence starters.
Ar y penwythnos, es i i Paris yn Ffrainc. Es i ar y 'Eurostar'. Ar dydd Sadwrn, yn y bore es i Disney, gwelais i Mickey Mouse. Roedd hi'n gwych!
- Write about your trip to Paris. How did you get there?
- Write about Saturday and Sunday writing about the mornings and the afternoon. Where did you go? How was it? Who did you go with?
- Use a range of sentence starters, connectives and verbs
- Talk about what you ate
Ar y penwythnos, es i i Paris yn Ffrainc gyda fy nheulu. Ces i amser bendigedig a roedd hi'n poeth iawn! Yn gyntaf, es i i'r Twr Eiffel, roedd hi'n diddorol! Nesaf, gwelais i y Mona Lisa yn Lourve, roedd hi'n gwych. Am swper, bwytais i pan a caws, roedd hi'n flasus iawn.
Complete red BUT find an opportunity to include these facts into your writing! First, you need to find out what they mean!!
1. Mae Ffrainc rhwng yr Eidal a Sbaen a mae Ffrainc yn Ewrop.
2. Mae'r beicwyr yn y ras Tour de France yn gorffen ar y Champs-Elysees.
3. Mae llawer o Ffrancwyr yn bwyta bara ac yfed coffi neu siocled poeth amser brecwast.