L.O: To write in a logical sequence and make simple revisions for the audience.
L.O: To make appropriate vocabulary choices for audience and edit appropriately.
Let's activate our prior knowledge! Which super sentences do we know?
The Task!
Imagine you are Usain Bolt at the Olympics. You are about to win the 100m sprint. I wonder, what the story of the race would be?
Amser Siarad!
How do you think he felt at the beginning?
In the middle? and at the end of the race?
Is what he is showing on the outside different to how he feels on the inside?
1. Split your page into 4 sections! This will be our plan for writing... don't forget dictionaries and thesaurus' are very helpful!
Section 1 - Before the race
Section 2 - During
Section 3 - Crossing the finish line!
Section 4 - We will do together!!
Think about how Usain:
Is feeling, and what he is thinking at each stage!
What words would you use?
Section 1 - Before the race
Section 2 - During
Section 3 - Crossing the finish line!
Section 4 - We will do together!!
Think about:
- How Usain is feeling and what he is thinking at each stage?
- How does his body react? (Think, show, not tell and zoom in e.g., hairs standing up).
Section 1 - Before the race
Section 2 - During
Section 3 - Crossing the finish line!
Section 4 - We will do together!!
Think about:
- How Usain is feeling and what he is thinking at each stage
- How does his body react? (Think, show, not tell and zoom in e.g., hairs standing up).
- Zoom out - what does he notice about the atmosphere, the other runners, the crowd?
Section 4 - What Super Sentences can we include?