Welcome back and Happy New Year!! Our new topic this term is called ...
"Whose Planet is it anyway?"
We are so sorry that you are not in school at the moment. We have set some activities for you to complete at home. If you need any help with the activities please get in touch with us through our help button.
Sut wyt ti?
Your first job each week is to check in with us, tell us how you are doing. Don't forget your name.
Check in with Mrs Jones (click on photo)
Check in with Mr Goremano (click on photo)
"Whose Planet is it Anyway?"
Hook - Let's get motivated!
Watch the video below for an introduction to the topic.
Bleep and Ping Visit Planet Earth!

Authenticity - Why are we doing this?
We need to do our EPIC planning (Everybody Planning in Class). Watch the video to help get you get started. Where will your learning take you this term?
Help us plan the topic.

Knowledge - What do we need to know?
This week we want you to choose an animal that might visit your garden to research. Watch the video to find out more.
Learn how to carry out research into the new topic!

Application - Let's get to work.
Now it's time to present your top facts about your chosen garden animal. Watch the video with Mrs Jones and Mr G to find out how.
Learn how to present your top facts about your garden animal.

Maths and Numeracy
Click the sub-page below.
Language and Literacyand Communication
Click the sub-pages below
Big Question
A chance to your share your own big ideas...
Big Question about Anne the elephant