Here are some suggested activities for week beginning 18th May. Parents, please feel free to email me and let me know how your children are getting on with their learning. Please also email me if you have any questions.
This week we are going to learn about the super heroes that keep us safe while we are at the seaside. Mrs Blackmore enjoyed her walk to Horton lifeboat station where she interviewed one of the life boat crew from a safe distance of course!
Boat house.MP4
1. Write/Draw a letter or make a thank you card.
Can you draw or write a thank you letter or card to Mr Grove at RNLI to say thank you. You might like to tell him which part of his interview you enjoyed the most. What did you find interesting? Have you got another question for him? If you take a photo of your letter or card we will email them all to Mr Grove.
2. Floating and Sinking
Can you help Fflic relax in the pool by making him a boat he can float in? What materials could you use? Will it still float if you put one of your teddies in it?
Ffic a Flac
3. Health and Wellbeing
CBeebies - Andy's Wild Workouts - Beach.mp4
4. Welly Wednesday
Can you collect natural items such as sticks, leaves, pinecones etc from your garden or dailey walk to create a self-portrait using the things that you find?
6. Welsh
Pa liw ydy hwn? What colour is this?
Can you remember all the colours in Welsh and English?
Welsh Rainbow.mp4
7. Phonics
Sounds of the week are z x qu sh
You might like to do a sound a day
- Play I spy around you home and garden. Can you spot things that start with the z x qu or sh sound?
- Practice writing the sounds with a paintbrush and water on your patio/path.
- Join in with the RWI phonics lesson each morning
RWI are streaming three, short Speed Sounds lessons for children to watch at home every weekday on their YouTube channel. Each lesson is ten minutes long and available for 24 hours.
Click here for the YouTube Speed Sounds lessons schedule.
Subscribe to the RWI YouTube page for live lessons.
When teaching your child to say the sounds, its important to say the pure sounds. This means we say mmmmm not muh and lllll not luh. (A slight uh cannot be helped when saying the sounds b d g j w y). How to say the sounds follow this link.
The artist Banksy painted this image and it hangs in a hospital entrance. Look at the picture and have a think about this question - Why are Spiderman and Batman in the bin?
Talk to your family about your opinions and ask them the same question.
Keep having Fun!!
Don't forget to send me photos of your children completing their home learning I would love to post them on our Twitter page.
Diolch yn fawr
Stay Safe
Mrs Gosney