Here are some suggested activities for week beginning 27th April. Parents, please feel free to email me and let me know how your children are getting on with their learning. Please also email me if you have any questions.
1. What are your superpowers?
We are all good at something and have our own different talents and expertise. We would love to know what your superpowers are. Can you draw, write or even better send a video telling us what your superpowers are? The staff had lots of fun making videos to share their superpowers with you!
2. Make your own Super Hero
Can you create your own superhero? You could use any type of fruit or vegetables. Don’t forget to send us your photos so we can add them to our Pod Page and Twitter.
A story with Mrs Parry
3. Make yourself a superhero lunch
Super hereos need to eat healthy to stay fit and strong! Can you design and make a healthy lunch fit for a superhero, you could enjoy a picnic in the garden? Make sure to invite all your superheroes.
3. Make A Frog or Toad Abode
Listen to Mrs Marchant’s welsh stori Bili Broga, poor Bili Broga he doesnt have a home. Can you help him?
Listen to his story here:
Can you make Bili Broga a home?
Follow the link for a step by step guide:
4. Literacy RWI
Sounds of the week are i n p g o
You might like to do a sound a day
- Play I spy around you home and garden. Can you spot things that start with the i n p g or o sound?
- Practice writing the sounds with a paintbrush and water on your patio/path.
- Join in with the RWI phonics lesson each morning
RWI are streaming three, short Speed Sounds lessons for children to watch at home every weekday on their YouTube channel. Each lesson is ten minutes long and available for 24 hours.
Click here for the YouTube Speed Sounds lessons schedule.
Subscribe to the RWI YouTube page for live lessons.
When teaching your child to say the sounds, its important to say the pure sounds. This means we say mmmmm not muh and lllll not luh. (A slight uh cannot be helped when saying the sounds b d g j w y). How to say the sounds follow this link. Numeracy
Can you go on a shape hunt around your home and sort the shapes into groups?
Shape Train - Online Maths Game
6. Design a superhero obstacle course
Can you design a superhero obstacle course?
Watch Mrs Parry have a go!
7. People who help us
Llawer o'bobl yn ein helpu ni - lots of people who help you.
Diffoddwr tan - Firefighter
Doctor/meddyg - doctor
Nyrs - nurse
Heddlu - police
Y person lollipop - lollipop person
Moddion - medicine
Stryd - street