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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Suggested 4th May

Here are some suggested activities for week beginning 4th May. Parents, please feel free to email me and let me know how your children are getting on with their learning. Please also email me if you have any questions. 

Super Nurses 

Nurses and hospital staff are definitely superheroes!!



1. Ask a Nurse a Question.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a nurse? This week we have Nurse Wendy on hand to answer any questions you may have about nursing.

You can send your questions in to me by writing them down or sending me a video of you asking the questions. 

We will use these questions to interview Nurse Wendy. 

2. Florence Nightingale

Watch the video below and find out some interesting facts about Florence Nightingale. Share what you have found out by having a discussion with your family.

Short stories Florence Nightingale.mp4

Still image for this video

3. NHS Lantern

Florence Nightingale was known as the Lady with the lamp. Can you make your own lamp? You could use an old jar and tissue paper or paints to decorate as rainbows. 

4. Big Question Time.

What makes someone a super hero? Is it how they look or what they do that is important?


Are doctors/firemen/teachers superheroes?

If you save lives are you a superhero?

If you save animals are you a super hero?


Have a chat to your family and share your thoughts and opinions with them.


Superkid 1.mp4

Still image for this video

5. Shapes in nature

Have a look around your home and garden, what items can you use to make 2D shapes?

6. Superhero Song and Dance

Join in with this superhero song and dance and if you would like to share a photo or video of you dancing and singing along, please send it to us.

videoplayback (1).mp4

Still image for this video

7. RWI


Sounds of the week are e l u sh

You might like to do a sound a day


  • Play I spy around you home and garden. Can you spot things that start with the e l u or sh sound?
  • Practice writing the sounds with a paintbrush and water on your patio/path.
  • Join in with the RWI phonics lesson each morning


RWI are streaming three, short Speed Sounds lessons for children to watch at home every weekday on their YouTube channel. Each lesson is ten minutes long and available for 24 hours.

Click here for the YouTube Speed Sounds lessons schedule.

Subscribe to the RWI YouTube page for live lessons.

When teaching your child to say the sounds, its important to say the pure sounds. This means we say mmmmm not muh and lllll not luh. (A slight uh cannot be helped when saying the sounds b d g j w y). How to say the sounds follow this link.




8. Tedi Twt Dost

Read the Story Tedi Twt yn Dost

Keep having Fun!!


Don't forget to send me photos of your children completing their home learning I would love to post them on our Twitter page. 


Diolch yn fawr

Stay Safe


Mrs Gosney
