Welcome to another week of learning!
I wonder if you could make your very own Sports Day Sports Speech?
Look at the Help sheet below, how can it help you make an amazing speech?
Watch the videos below. Can you write down the features that you hear from the video?
Yellow Chilli
Orange Chilli
Red Chilli
Story Writing
I wonder if you can write an amazing fairy tale...
Think about the setting of your story and how you can use the weather and the environment to make your story even more amazing!
Did you notice how the weather changed at the end of the video when the story started to become happier again?
Look at the differences in these castles...the setting of the story is very important and can help make our stories more descriptive!
This week we are going to be learning about column addition!
Beth wyt ti'n gwisgo?
Dw i'n gwisgo _____
Beth wyt ti'n gwisgo
Dw i'n gwisgo _______ a ________.
Beth wyt ti'n hoffi gwisgo a beth wyt ti'n ddim yn hoffi?
Dw i'n hoffi gwisgo_______.
Spellings for Friday 8th July 2022
Green Chilli Yellow Chilli
I little
his my
her with
have all
went said
Orange Chilli Red Chilli
begin Japanese
life rhythm
always science
those major
both observe
paper necessary
above weight girl wait
almost process
really properly