Health and Wellbeing
We will also be discussing all the different things that affect how healthy we are including what we eat and how active we are.
Pod Pili-Pala will be making healthy rainbow kebabs this week. We will be tasting lots of delicious fruit.
Can you use all the colours of the rainbow to make yours?
BBC Learning - What Do Humans Need To Stay Healthy.mp4

Number recognition. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at numbers. We will continue to learn lots of new number songs in English and in Welsh.
We have lots of activities planned for children to develop their number skills. Keep checking twitter to see what your child has been learning.
Un a Dau a Thri Banana!.mp4

Ten Fat Sausages.mp4

Science and Technology
Can you build a Rainbow?
Children will be using materials provided to design and create a model of a rainbow.
Welly Wednesday
Signs of Autumn - Over the 2 weeks we will be looking at the seasons. We will be learning why the leaves change colour and fall from the trees in the Autumn. We will explore our wild area searching for signs of Autumn. From our findings we will use the items we have collected to create a Autumnal Wreath.
Colour of the Week
Orange - Oren
This we we will be exploring the colour orange. The children will be tasting fresh juicy oranges from Dunvant Farm Shop. They will also be creating an orange collage leaf which will be displayed along with Pod Pengwins rainbow display.
Colour of the Week
Yellow - Melyn
This week we will be celebrating the Humble Bumble Bee. We will be discussing why bees are important and why we should look after them. We will also be tasting honey on toast to see if we like it or not.