Dyma Fi - This is me
We will be learning all about each other this week. We will be finding out who lives at home with us, what pets we have, how old we are, our favourite foods and lots more.
Children will be using computers to create a family portrait, they will also designs and make birthday cards and a collage self portrait.
Dilys finds a pair of socks in Pod Pili-Pala, watch the video below to find out who she thinks they belong to.
Mrs Gosney - Dyma Fi

Number of the Week (2 & 3)
Each week we will be learning a new number. Children will explore numbers and quantities through lots of indoor and out door experiences. We will be going on number hunts, singing number rhymes and playing pass the bag and take out a number game. Children will be encouraged to write numbers using a range of materials.
This week and next week we will be using pens, chalks, pencils and paper for observational drawing and free drawing of numbers.
Digit Dog - Number 3

Digit Dog 🐶 Number of the Week (Number 2)


Five Little Pumpkins

Halloween counting 1-10

Literacy / Health and Wellbeing
Sut Wyt Ti?
We will be discussing as a Pod about our feelings this week. We will talk about the colours of the rainbow and how they make us feel. Children will be thinking of the things that make them happy, sad, calm and angry. We will talkabout how we can self regulate and get ourselves back in the green (happy) zone.
We will be reading'The Colour Monster' story to help us understand our feelings.
How is she feeling game?

Welly Wednesday
Leaf and Muddy Monsters
This week in Welly Wednesday we will be collecting lots of leaves from our wild area and turning them in to cool colour monsters of our own. We will use paint, googly eyes and collage resources to create our very own natural leaf monsters. Next week will will be using the mud on the ground to create a giant Muddy Monster painting. Its going to get messy!!
Expressive Arts
Colour Monster
This week the children will be working in their groups to created 4 large Colour Monsters. The children will use a range of materials and tools to help them create their collaborative masterpiece. Keep an eye on our Twitter page to see the final piece of work.
Colour of the Week
Week 1 - Green / Gwydd
This week we will be learning about things that are green.
We are going to read the Welsh story of Bili Broga.
Taste different types of food that is green. What will be your favourite?
Learn the song - 5 Green Speckled Frogs
And we will be creating a model of a frog to go on our rainbow display.
5 Green Speckled Frogs

Week 2 - Blue / Glas
Save the Whale
This week we will be leaning about pollution in our sea. We will discuss as a pod the effects pollution has on our beaches and oceans.
Pili-Pala will then design and make a whale inspired windsock from recycled plastic bottles. Please can each child send to school a recycled plastic bottle by Friday 23rd Oct. Diolch!
Save the Whale

Health and Wellbeing
Cosmic Yoga
Lets go on an adventure to meet Frank the Frog. I wonder what yoga poses we will learn?
Cosmic Yoga