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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Wizard and Wonders


LO to recognise and write numbers up to 5. #LlanNum.

Miss Walters has collected lots of pumpkins but she can't count them all can you help her!


LO to recognise and name 2D shapes – circle, square and triangle. #LlanNum

Miss Jones loves Halloween and she wants to make something spooky. Can you help Miss Jones make a shape bat? I wonder what shapes will you use?

#LlanCym LO: 

Tedi Twt is very excited about Halloween. Can you make him a new witch or wizard hat? Pa liw? what colour would you choose.                     

Teulu Tedi Twt

Still image for this video

LO to count objects reliably up to 5. #LlanNum

All the leaves have fallen off Miss Jones' tree! Can you help Miss Jones by adding the correct amount of leaves to the tree?


Halloween Stomp | Halloween Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus
