Wizard and Wonders Week
This week we will be having lots of fun exploring all things spooky!
Numeracy - Silly Soup
Can you follow the Witches recipe? How many spooky eyeballs or creepy spiders do you need to add into your silly soup?
Health and Wellbeing - Spider Pizzas
Add the legs to the spider. How many legs does a spider have? How many legs on on each side?
Science - Bubbling Magic Potions
What happens when the ingredients are mixed together? What can you see? What words can you use to describe your potion? What colours can you see?
Literacy - Halloween Potion Recipe
Can you make a magic potion? what ingredients will you add into the cauldron. Can you write a list of the ingredients you’ve used?
Spooky Amser Stori
What am I?
Remembrance Day
Learn all about remembrance day
Learn about remembrance day
Remembrance Day 2 minuet silence
Remembrance Day 2 Minutes' Silence.mp4
Go on a Cosmic Yoga Adventure