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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Our missions this year:

Further develop strategies for calculation using mental and written methods.

Consider implementation and design of the CfW. Develop a cluster approach to maths and numeracy developing cluster agreed domains and threads.

Pupil Voice End of Year Evaluation: 18.07.23

Evaluated the following:

1. Reasoning has been identified by pupils through their monitoring this year as an area that needs development. This is now a part of the SDP for 2023-2024.

2. Numeracy in IQ books needs to be monitored to ensure there are consistent opportunities for pupils to use their numeracy in IQ sessions, not just maths Spotlight sessions.

Targets for next year:

1. Further develop a progressive range of strategies to support pupil resilience in mathematical reasoning

A range of monitoring activities has identified that too many pupils “give up” when faced with challenging numeracy problems.   

These pupils are unable to break down the problem into manageable parts.  This was also identified as an area for development from the personalised assessments.

NP1 (Taken from the SDP)

2. Monitor numeracy in IQ books

3. Email staff to let them know numeracy feedback targets



Pupil Voice Meeting held: 25.04.23

Discussed the following:

1. Nearly all pupils were all able to find SAILs in their books. Nearly all children could remember what it stood for. Target met, remove target.

2. Nearly all pupils have evidence of HOTs in their books from across Pysgodyn and Pry Cop. Nearly all were able to explain what a HOT is and know what it stood for. Target met, remove target.

3. Discussed TTRS and Numbots. Pysgodyn pupils were all able to explain the two different online resources we use. They explained how it was used in their Pod and what the different types of game were. Good knowledge displayed by pupils.

Target for next meeting:

Numeracy in IQ books

Reasoning coverage and discussion

Email staff to let them know numeracy feedback targets


Pupil Voice Meeting held: 28.03.23

Discussed the following:

1. Nearly all pupils were all able to find DINs in their books. Nearly all children could remember what it stood for.

2. Many children have evidence of HOTs in their books from across Pysgodyn and Pry Cop. Children were able to explain what a HOT is and know what it stands for.

3. SAILS target from previous month showed that half of the children had evidence in their books. Pry Cop knew what SAIL stood for. Continue this target.

Target for next meeting:

Check books for more SAILs to be included

HOTs to be monitored to ensure consistency

Numeracy in IQ books

Email staff to let them know numeracy feedback targets


Pupil Voice Meeting held: 28.02.23

Discussed the following:

1. Pupils were all able to find DINs in their books. Most children could remember what it stood for. All children understood what they were for and that they linked to progress.

2. A few children have evidence of HOTs in their books from across Pysgodyn and Pry Cop. Children were able to explain what a HOT is, but were unsure of what it stood for.

Target for next meeting:

Check books for more HOTs to be included

SAILs to be used for second attempts at answers

Email staff to let them know numeracy feedback targets


Pupil Voice Meeting Held: 31.01.23

Discussed the following:

1. School website. New plan for meetings on the last Tuesday of every month.

2. Class books - Reviewed and discussed skills that have been learnt and the favourite parts of numeracy so far this year. 

Top areas that came out were: Dividing, fractions and  subtraction.

Talked about placemats and their use in the Pods. All Pods have been using placemats.

Marking labels are consistent and being used across all the Pods using the new LUA model. 

Chilli challenges are being used in Pysgodyn and Pry Cop. Pengwin are not currently using them.


Target for next meeting:

Look at each others work, DINS, HOTS etc.






Pupil Voice Meeting held: 17.10.22

Discussed the following:

1. School website

2. School numeracy targets

3. Ideas for curriculum design day to gather feedback - record ideas from stakeholders on chromebooks, option for them to record their ideas too, post-its for A3 sheet to collect responses.

4. Ideas for curriculum design day and what to have available for those visiting - Maths placemats from different Pods, maths resources (calculators, bead bars, Numicon etc), chromebooks for TTRS, Numbots, Pod pages, Hit the Button etc. Finally, a mixture of maths questions for parent challenges.

5. How to monitor our targets and how to record results
