Meet our Humanities Pupil Voice Group
Our aims for this year
We had our first meeting on 26-09-23 and we were excited to meet for the first time this year. We discussed and talked about our aims for the year. Here is a summary:
- We want more map work.
- We want more humanities in choice and challenge.
- More humanities in our IQ.
- More children to know what humanities is.
- We want more guests for I wonder week.
Our second meeting
- We know some pods have done some map work, we want to see more pods doing map work.
- We know some pods are doing humanities in choice and challenge we want to see more humanities in choice and challenge.
- We are going to do an assembly and create a quiz (Kahoot) that will help children know what Humanities are.
- We started talking about which guests we want for I wonder Week - so far we have Christins and Hindus.
Our third meeting
We looked at the results from our survey and we need all pods to complete it.
We talked about when I wonder Week will be and which guests we would like to visit like - Open the Book, Father Tim, Dawn.
We want to see more outdoor learning happening and for all pods to have sometime outside.