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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Meet our ECO Heroes 2025

Spring term meeting 2025.

We met to discuss the positive impact of having signs on bins. There is now less mixed up waste in the class bins.

Action plan

To make sure that we empty the food bins on a Friday as we are forgetting this sometimes.

To follow our Action Plan for ECO schools.

To set up a sensory garden area.



Autumn Term Meeting 2024.

To remind all staff to use the wildflowers for art as they will be dying soon.


Action plan

To label the bins so there is less waste in the classrooms.

Llanrhidian was awarded the Platinum Eco Award 2024

Our Mission:  "To encourage re-use, reduce and recycle across the whole school and community"


The outdoor environment that surround Llanrhidian School are ideal Eco opportunities that can be further developed, shared and celebrated with the school and community.

Welcome to the ECO HERO page     


Welcome to Llanrhidian Primary School's  Eco page. This page is designed to keep you up to date with what is happening with the projects that the children would like to help improve our environment.


The Eco Heroes planned, filmed and edited their own video to celebrate Eco throughout the school. They focussed on finding out about our carbon footprint ( food to plate) and how we can collaborate more effectively with our own community to help us reduce our carbon footprint.

Evidence to support our Eco Platinum Award

Still image for this video
Sustainability, reducing our carbon footprint and creating strong links with our local community

13.10.21 :

Our main focus -

1. To share our Eco ideas with the local community

2. To set up a dynamic link between the CSA Growers and our own school and community

3. To arrange more active growing and harvesting sessions with CSA Growers

4. To use the SDG's as a focus for our activities


17.9.21 :

Our first meeting discussed how we can encourage the whole school to celebrate Harvest. It has been great to see so many enjoy eating sustainable and also thinking about their own carbon footprint too.



Eco Heroes 2020



Mrs Joseph and the Eco Heroes have put together a few suggestions for you to do while HOME LEARNING. Obviously these activities can be adapted depending on the latest  governments guidelines. If you are outside ensure you are social distancing and keep to your family units.



Click on the PDF below to access some outdoor activities

20 Outdoor Thing's to do at home

We have a very active group of pupils that love thinking of ways we can all help the        environment.  If you have any ECO friendly ideas to share please let one of the ECO HERO team or Mrs Joseph know, we are always welcoming new ideas from our community friends.


December 2020

The Eco Heroes are proud to announce they have meet with ‘Keep Wales Tidy’ Matthew and have been awarded the third year of the  ECO PLATINUM AWARD !!!
Well done everyone for pulling together and making Llanrhidian the best it can be



The Eco Hero Team met to discuss their plans for the term. We talked about how COVID has effected the school, families and the communities when dealing with environmental issues. We agreed that many more people are using the outdoors to exercise and Garden, however when returning to school we have noticed far more waste and plastic being used eg for our school dinners we have to eat them out of plastic containers and the breakfast club have their toast given to them in plastic wrapping ( all for COVID reasons). 

Action 1: To meet with Janet tHe cook to find out how we can reduce the plastic and keep everyone as safe as they can be too.
Results so far.... All the junior children who can eat in the canteen can now use plates and cutlery.


Action 2: To organise an Eco Day to coincide with Harvest and call it ‘Harvesting Earth’s Riches’ to promote reduce, recycle and reuse ( with emphasise on reusing)


Action 3: Good housekeeping eg turning lights off, recycling in the correct bins, litter control

#LlanEco #LlanOut News!

What our final monitoring told us about this year Eco and Outdoor targets.....


Target 1 - Further develop outdoor learning across the school.

We feel that we have had more outdoor lessons this year. When we looked on Twitter with Mrs Joseph we saw a lot more outdoor lessons happening in all pods. #LlanEco #LlanOut #LlanHealth. We know this because we made and carried out a survey about outdoor learning where 52 children responded. 100% said that they enjoy outdoor learning and 100% said that they had had more opportunities to work outside. They also gave us lots of ideas to try out in the year.


Target 2 - Develop a consistent approach to outdoor learning across all of the Pods that also challenged our skill levels.

In our meetings, Mrs Joseph told us that she has being going to meet with other schools to work on this in Gowerton. On our school website you can find different types of outdoor activities that we worked on together with Mrs Joseph, for different ages or skill levels that we could choose from. The older Pod decided they wanted to record their outdoor work in a collaborative book so that they could up level their skills and also develop their teamwork skills too!


Target 3 - Develop our school further with our Eco messages and encourage recycling and SDG targets.

We have all had training on the SDG targets and constantly refer to them in our work. We asked Pod PryCop if they thought using a collaborative book in small groups was useful, they said that it encouraged them to work productively together. They all said they would like to do it again on other outdoor projects.

-We have had weekly meetings because there was a lot to discuss and organise . We started in September with creating an Eco timetable to help us organise our roles within the school.
- In November we wrote to the Gower Society to apply for an outdoor grant of £500 which we decided together the things we would like to use in the outdoors.
- In December our main focus as an Eco Group was to promote less Christmas wrapping and to use biodegradable and natural materials found in the woodlands to decorate parcels. We promoted during assemblies and posted on the website and on Twitter. 
- In February we applied to update our Eco Platinum Award in which we were successful. We enjoyed meeting with Mathew from Welsh Eco Schools as he listened to all our ideas and plans that we have for the school.

Our next steps :

We would like to work closer with the community to encourage practical uses of our local area.
plan 1 will be to link with a local community vegetable growing group CSA

plan 2 will be to design signs/ posters to encourage visitor to the area to fill their water bottles at community shops to help reduce plastic.




Recent project:

The ECO HERO team asked the pupils, community and governors about their ideas during our school SDP day.

The team decided to encourage parents to use recyclable Christmas wrappers using recyclable paper and natural objects to decorate them.



Have an ECO Christmas

Eco encouraged recycling school uniform and Christmas jumpers

Our collaborative books helped us work together and up level our skills

Recent grants:

The ECO HERO group wrote an application for a grant to the Gower Society and were lucky enough to be successful ! The ECO HERO group are now in the process of discussing how they would like to use the £500 grant.

Well done ECO HEROES



Open to all pupils in year 4, 5 and 6 


Job Description

  • To organize planting day
  • Hold regular assemblies
  • Carry surveys to gather views of pupils
  • Apply for grants to help us improve our grounds
  • To ensure our grounds are used sustainably
  • To ensure learners understand how best to recycle
  • To minimize single use plastic