Please find below the green words and books for Miss Walters' Green and Yellow RWI groups. When in school your children will practise these words and read this book everyday for a week.
W/B 8.2.2021
Green Group Revision

Green Book - Let’s Go!

Yellow Group Revision

Yellow Book - A Sweetcorn Salad

W/B 1.2.2021
Green Group - ir Words

Green Book - We can all swim!

Yellow Group - ‘ew‘ words

Yellow Book - In the Park.

RWI -WB 25.1.2021
Green Words - Green Group

Green Book - Hands

Green Words - Yellow Group

Yellow Book - How to grow your own radishes

RWI -WB 18.1.2021
Green words - Green Group

Pip’s Pizza

Hold a Sentence
In the sentence below there are 4 mistakes. Can you copy out the sentence and fix the mistakes that you see. There are clues at the bottom of the picture.
Hold a Sentence
Green Words - Yellow Group

Danny and the bump-a-lump

Hold a Sentence
In the sentence below there are 6 mistakes. Can you copy out the sentence and fix the mistakes that you see. There are clues at the bottom of the picture.
Hold a Sentence Yellow Book
Yellow - Set 5 story 7