Summer 2021
Our Evaluation of 2020 - 2021:
1. Continue to embed our Mentally Healthy School Policy.
Miss Colwill told us that teachers are aware of it and that she has presented the model to our Governors and staff. However, this still needs to be a target next year.
2. To have more detailed check-ins.
We all agreed that one good thing that COVID-19 has done is made our check-ins better! We think in Pod Pry Cop that our check-ins are better because...
''The online form is more private'' Year 5
''If we have a problem we don't have to share it with a class'' Year 4
''They happen more often than before, everyday in fact'' Year 5
''I feel more confident check-in'' Year 6
''We can contact teachers through the online check-in form when we want'' Year 4
We all enjoyed the online check-ins during COVID and it helped us keep in touch.
We are also trying to end the school on a positive, sometimes we discuss what has been good about the day.
3.Review and align our existing anti-bullying policy.
Even through different times we managed to meet with Miss Colwill virtually to review the anti-bullying policy. This is now on our school website.
We have also enjoyed our new areas in Pod Pry Cop because...
''They are more grown up'' Year 4
''They are better than the canteen, warmer and comfier!'' Year 6
''It is a better place to work, especially if you want to work in a quieter room'' Year 5
Next year we look forward to helping Miss Colwill monitor Health and Well-being again.
Our agreed targets for next year:
1. The teachers will be having training to help develop our P.E. sessions.
2. We need to develop our fitness skills.
3. When we can, launch a new sports club - we want to focus on team sports.
4. Hopefully help Miss Colwill with the Healthy School Award.
Autumn 2020
We have monitored with Miss Colwill this term.
We are pleased with:
How the school supports us with our issues.
How the school help developing our friendships.
How some of us receive outdoor learning lessons weekly.
How some of us check in daily e.g. circle time or check in sticks.
How all the teachers share pictures on twitter with #LlanHealth.
How some pods are using their EPIC for outdoor learning.
How we have all received our 1st RSE lesson by our pod teachers.
Our targets for teachers:
IQ based around health and well-being e.g. like Pengwins helped Mrs Williams.
We want to see every pod planning for outdoor lessons.
We want a termly change of PE - We are pleased to see that this has improved this term, Pry Cop pupils have been enjoying the games session with Mrs Gosney and Miss Weatherley.
We want to do more cooking next term.