Dear Parents and Carers,
Our Attendance now stands at 92.7%
Pod Pengwin -91.9%
Pod Pysgodyn - 93.2%
Pod PryCop - 93%
Swansea Target 95%
Llanrhidian Target 96%
Well I cannot believe I am writing my final blog of the year. It has been a fantastic twelve months with so many improvements to our school. A huge thank you to Mrs Archard who only became our deputy head in September. It feels like she has been here forever, and what a difference she has made! Every staff member in Llanrhidian works above and beyond their job description, and that is what makes our school so special. In addition the support from our families is invaluable. You have always "bought in" to our new ideas and been really honest in your feedback. I feel that it is this transparent relationship that best serves your children and our learners.
Our last day for the pupils is Thursday 20th July. This will also be our final Caffi Cynefin of this school year. The caffi has been such a success that we are going to continue, and improve this for the Autumn Term. The Llanrhidian "World of Work" is really taking off, and our learners are developing life long skills across a range of roles, again watch this space as more improvements to come!
Our final Plant Bach (Toddler Play Group) took place this week. A huge thank you to Mrs Gosney who has been the project manager behind this group. If you know anyone who has a pre school child, please spread the word and welcome them to Plant Bach Llanrhidian. For more information click here.
Thank you to our governors who have supported us with all our targets this year and attended so many meetings to ensure we are all on track. We really could not do this without you, and are looking forward to your visits next term.
You will have now received your child's written school report via email. If you request a hard copy, please email the office. Your child has also worked hard on their own "self report" which they will be bringing home. These are definitely something to keep safe and bring out when they are 18! Next week you will have an email to explain how to access your child's Welsh Government Online Assessment. These are only completed from year 2. For more information you can click here.
Here are the final headlines for this year:
After School Child Care (Clwb Ceirios) - Thank you to those who have booked their place. We have now more than covered our costs and we are thrilled with the take up for next half term. A huge thank you to all those parents who have "worked with us" to get to this place of success. To find out more please visit the Clwb Ceirios Web Page. We are still looking at ways to be able to pay online and will keep you updated.
New Dinner Money System - As from September County have arranged for schools to have a new dinner money system instead of sQuid. We will send out information regarding this as soon as we receive it. In the meantime, please can parents ensure that they use up all credits by the end of term (21st July) and cancel any automatic top-ups.
Mr G's Internet Safety Tip of the Week: "Group Chats" Occurring through messaging apps, on social media and in online games, group chats are among the most popular ways that young people engage with their peers online. Involving, by definition, three or more individuals, these groups allow users to send messages, images and videos to everyone in one place. While they are useful for helping friends, people with shared interests or members of a club to communicate and coordinate activities, they can also leave young people feeling excluded and bullied – as well as providing opportunities for inappropriate content to be shared and viewed. Here are a few things parents and carers need to be aware of
- Do they need their child to be in the group chat.
- Considering others’ feelings
- Being careful not exclude or isolate people.
For more information please click here.
Premises Plea - We are always looking to make our environment welcoming, interesting and stimulating. We need:-
- Glass tumblers for Caffi Cynefi
- Teaspoons for Caffi Cynefin
- Artificial plants,
- Real house plants
- Interesting ornaments (not too delicate)
- Fake Grass
- Cut logs for seats
- Slices of log for displays
- Bark chippings for paths
- Good quality board games, packs of cards
Dates at a Glance:
INSET DAYS - July 21st; July 24th; Sept 1st; Sept 4th
Autumn Term starts September 5th for pupils. (Topic Launch Day)
Have a fabulous summer break,
Mrs Caswell