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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 17th November 2023

Annwyl Parents and Carers,


Our Whole School Attendance currently stands at

95.8% (Up from last week)

Pod Pengwin -95.8% (Up from last week)

Pod Pysgodyn - 96.3% (Up from last week)

Pod PryCop - 95.3% (Up from last week)

(Well done Rec still in the lead with 97%)

Swansea Target 95%

Llanrhidian Target 96%


Full steam ahead at Llanrhidian.  We seem to be like the proverbial swan, looking calm on the surface but paddling like mad underneath.  However, we would not have it any other way as the staff love this time of year.  Thank you to all those parents who are helping us by volunteering for our Marchnad Nadolig, if you are able to help out please let us know.  We are now going to start earlier, from 2pm, so we can fit in all the Santa visits.  However, please come along when it suits you. 


Governors met this week to discuss the financial situation of the Early Bird Craft Club.  We are currently making a significant loss each term.  We find that our only option will be to increase the cost of this provision to meet the staffing costs. From January the cost of the club will be £30 per half term. (£20 per sibling).  This still equates to less than £1 per session.  To keep this provision going, please use it! 


Please note new diary date for "Christmas Jumper & Dinner Day" is Thursday 21st December  2023.


Here are the Christmas Term headlines:


Marchnad Nadolig Tursday November 30th.  Market Stalls and Santa's Grotto 2.00 - 4.30:  With your help this is going to be a great community event.  Pupils can be collected anytime from 2.00pm to 3.20pm from their pods.   The school bus will run as normal.  The market will include:- 

  • free Santa's grotto to all our primary school pupils and their younger siblings.   We will ensure every pupil sees Santa. Nearly all families have now secured a slot and we will be releasing our spare tickets soon. 
  • A refreshment stall - Please let us know if you can help this stall or can send in Christmassy cakes, treats etc for the stall.  
  • Christmas Market Stalls - We have lots of great stalls booked! But please continue to spread the word.  (Check out @Friends of Llanrhidian on Instagram)
  • Mrs Blackmore's Christmas Kitchen - Turkey and Stuffing Rolls (Vegan Option Available) 


Raffle Tickets  - This year you are able to purchase Christmas Raffle Tickets by two means.  Firstly we have sent home tickets which you can return with cash or a cheque.  Secondly, you are able to purchase tickets via sQuid.  The tickets will cost £1 each and if you pay by sQuid, we will complete the tickets for you, and send you confirmation.  Every ticket sold raises vital money for pupil resources and every pupil benefits from your generosity.  The raffle draw is Monday 18th December.


Raffle Prizes - Please help us with prizes.  We will again be creating the famous "Mrs Blackmore's Hampers" as prizes.  We will be holding a "Christmas Jumper and Bring a Raffle Prize Day" on Friday December 8th.  Please send in a Christmassy items such as wine, chocolates, small gift, toiletries etc.     We also need stand alone prizes, so if you know any business who would offer a voucher or prize, please let us know.  We will always instagram a thank you, and are happy to add a tag if the business has one. 



Christmas Show Tickets - We are delighted to be able to offer you 2 tickets per family per show (not per performance). Please note that if you have 2 pupils in the same pod then this is still 2 tickets per family. Please discuss within your own family who will have the two tickets. There is a finite capacity in our school hall which is why the staff are working very hard to do eight performances across the school.  


To purchase tickets please use the order form that has been sent to you.  (if you have not received one please contact the office)  This must be returned by Friday 24th November. Tickets will only be allocated and sent home on receipt of payment (£3 per ticket - cash or cheque payable to Llanrhidian Primary School). Please send this in with your order form in a clearly marked envelope. Please note we are not selling tickets from the office. Once we have ensured that every family has had the option to purchase 2 tickets, we will then release more on a first come first serve basis. Please be kind to our office staff who will be ensuring this is a fair process. 


Mr G's Internet Safety Tip of the Week: In order to ensure the online safety of your loved ones, it is essential to be vigilant and cautious. You can do this by carefully scrutinising suspicious emails and websites to identify potential phishing attacks and fraudulent sites. To learn more about these threats and how to protect yourself and your family, please click on the link provided. Please click here for more information 


Premises Plea - We are always looking to make our environment welcoming, curious, interesting and stimulating.  Can you help?  We currently need:-

  • Christmas Decorations and volunteers for the event
  • Compost
  • Small Plastic Pots
  • Hamper baskets
  • Artificial or real house plants
  • Natural objects - eg fossils, crystals, interesting drift wood
  • Interesting ornaments, Unusual objects 
  • Old artefacts eg old phone, clock,  etc
  • Shelves for walls
  • Cut logs for seats
  • Slices of log for displays
  • Bark chippings for paths
  • Good quality board games, packs of cards 


Dates at a Glance: 

  • Caffi Cynefin every Thursday 9am to 11.30am for more information click here.
  • Plant Bach Llanrhidian Toddler Group every Thursday 1.30-3pm for more information click here. 
  • Clwb Hwyl will commence Wednesday 13th September at 3:30 till 4:15. Clwb Hwyl is for pupils Year 1 to Year 6. For more information click here. 
  • Marchnad Nadolig & Santa's Grotto - Thursday 30th November @2.30-4.30
  • Christmas Jumper and Bring a Raffle Prize Day December 8th 
  • Christmas Shows Pod Pili Pala, Pengwin and Pysgodyn Tuesday 5th Dec @10 and @2; Wednesday 6th Dec @10 and @2
  • An Evening with Llanrhidian School Choir @Llanrhidian Church Tuesday 19th December @5pm
  • Christmas Shows Pod PryCop Tuesday 12th Dec @1.30 and @5.30; Thursday 14th Dec @1.30 and @5.30
  • Christmas Jumper & Dinner Day Thursday 21st December  2023
  • INSET DAYS -  Friday 22nd December, Monday January 8th


Have a fabulous weekend

Mrs Caswell


