Annwyl Parents and Carers,
Our Whole School Attendance currently stands at
94.3% (down from last week)
Pod Pengwin -94.5%
Pod Pysgodyn - 95.3%
Pod PryCop - 95.1%
(Well done Year 4 are still in the lead with 96%)
Swansea Target 95%
Llanrhidian Target 96%
Another great week has flown by. We are really excited about our "Make do and Mend" topic and there are some wonderful activities being planned across the school. You will soon be sent your Pod Planning Overview (PPOs) to give you a taste of just some of the learning that has been planned "with" the pupils. Fore More information about how we plan our curriculum please see our Curriculum for Learning Policy.
Caffi Cynefin is well underway, and our pupils are working hard to remember all the things they need to do to keep our customers happy and safe. Next week we have some Welsh Government official visiting our caffi to ask us about how it supports and benefits the pupils and the community. It would be great if you could be there!
As we are trying to reduce paper we have now moved to to an electronic form should you need to request staff to administer prescribed medicine. You can find this on our website on the "Health Matters" page, however we will always send you the link if you need it. (Just email the office) Click here to see the form.
Please look at our premises plea below to help us with resources for learning. Before you throw anything out - please ask us if we could use it first. You will be surprised what we can re-use!
Here are the headlines this term.
Parent Evening 26th and 27th February - You will soon receive an invite parents' evening. This will be an opportunity for you to speak to a member of the pod staff about your child's progress. Please can we ask that you stick to the allocated time so other parents are not kept waiting.
Marchnad Dydd Gwyl Dewi March 1st - We are planning for a St David's day market on the afternoon of March 1st. Please can pupils arrive in school dressed in Welsh costumes or red tops ready for our celebration morning assembly. In the afternoon, from 1.30pm, we will hold a market in the marquee and Caffi Cynefin will be open. If you are able to attend, you are welcome to collect your child to visit the stalls. If not you can send your child in with up to £2 to spend. Each pod will be having their own stall and will be letting you know how you can help. We will update you with more information nearer the time.
Mr G's Internet Safety Tip of the Week: Help your child recognise phishing attempts and suspicious links.It is impossible to keep track of everything your child does online. Nowadays, there are multiple apps and games that are specifically designed for children, and they are using phones, tablets, and other smart devices to learn, communicate, and have fun. However, this also means that there are cyber criminals who are targeting children with fraudulent tactics like phishing. Click here for more information on keeping your child safe.
Premises Plea - We are always looking to make our environment welcoming, curious, interesting and stimulating. Can you help? We currently need:-
- Small Plastic Pots
- Shelves
- Hamper baskets
- Artificial or real house plants
- Natural objects - eg fossils, crystals, interesting drift wood
- Interesting ornaments, Unusual objects
- Old artefacts eg old phone, clock, etc
- Shelves for walls
- Cut logs for seats
- Slices of log for displays
- Bark chippings for paths
- Good quality board games, packs of cards
Dates at a Glance:
- Caffi Cynefin every Thursday 9am to 11.30am for more information click here.
- Plant Bach Llanrhidian Toddler Group every Thursday 1.30-3pm for more information click here.
- Clwb Hwyl will commence Wednesday 9th Jan at 3:30 till 4:15. Clwb Hwyl is for pupils Year 1 to Year 6. For more information click here.
- Parent Evening 26th and 27th February
- Marchnad Dydd Gwyl Dewi March 1st
- More Dates Coming Soon!
Have a great weekend
Mrs Caswell & #TeamLlanrhidian