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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 9th September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


Firstly, on behalf of all the staff at Llanrhidian Primary School, we want to express our sadness on hearing the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.  Please be assured that we will support the pupils as appropriate,  answering any of their questions in a sensitive and age appropriate manner.    Swansea Council have issued a statement including information regarding a book of condolences which can be read here.


The funeral is expected to be held at Westminster Abbey in about ten or 11 days' time, with the date to be confirmed by Buckingham Palace. It may be declared a bank holiday, but this will be confirmed by the palace and government. If a bank holiday is declared, schools will be closed and we will keep you updated. 


Thank you for an amazing start of term.  Our two INSET days enabled us to plan the year ahead and finalise our targets.  As mentioned before,we are very excited to be planning more community events and will be informing you of some important dates very soon.  Please remember to use the website calendar to help you keep track.


If you would like to view all our school targets you can access our "School Development Plan" via the website.    Here the headlines this week:


Parent Open Evening Monday November 7th - Straight after half term we would like to invite you into the pod to have a look at your child's learning environment, their books and to chat with the staff.  This is a drop in session between 3.30 and 5.30, and we encourage you to bring your child so they can show you around.  You will also have a written report at the end of Autumn and you will have a formal meeting in Spring. However, as always, if you do have any concerns please email the office and we will be in touch as soon as we can. 


Clwb Hwyl for Year 1 to Year 6 (Wednesday After School until 4.15) - We have listened to feedback from parents, carers and the pupils and are looking to expand the range of extra curricular activities offered free to pupils on a Wednesday Evening.  Teachers will be discussing options with pupils and each pod will run their own clubs.  This will start next week and you will receive more information from your pod staff. 


Monster Ball Wednesday October 26th (After School)  - This traditional event has not taken place for two years.  We have not yet finalised the details, but would like a disco in the marquee; refreshments; fancy dress (pupils and adults) and lots of fun! If you can help with this event, in any way, please get in touch so we can start planning.  


INSET Days -   We  have an INSET day on the last day of term December 23rd.  All term times are available here. 



Weekly Premises Plea -   This week we need:-

  • We need bark chippings for our paths  - does anyone know any landscape gardeners or tree surgeons who could dump their chippings in our field? 
  • Good quality toys eg lego, cars, role play etc for Pengwins and Pili Pala
  • Artificial plants to soften our indoor environment 


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Caswell


