1. Pets Corner
Visit the pages below to find out about some of the staff's pets. If you would like to send in a picture, video or some writing about your pet we will post it to the page. If you don't have a pet you could choose a family or friend's pet.
2. Maths with Digit Dog
This week Digit Dog has set two Maths challenges for us. Watch the videos below to find out more.
Maths Challenge 1 - Digit Dog makes Repeating Patterns
Maths Challenge 2 - Digit Dog Makes More Repeating Patterns
4. Jac Abertawe.
Why are people from Swansea sometimes called 'Swansea Jacks'? Watch this video to find out why?
Jac Abertawe.
5. Handwriting with Mrs Jones.
Mrs Jones writes 'h' and 'r'.
Handwriting with Mrs Jones.
How to Make Dog Biscuits
8. Working dogs
Visit the pages below to watch some videos about special dogs and the jobs they do. Chat to your family about the different ways animals can help us.
9. Reading
Please encourage your child to log in to Reading Eggs every day. We will continue to use this programme when the children return to school. Teachers will log in regularly to monitor your child's progress.
You may also like to choose a book from the Oxford Owl book shelf. You can also choose a game from the Floppy's phonics practice zone.
10. Y1 Spelling
Practise your spelling for 5 to 10 minutes a day and get mum or dad to test you on Friday. Let us know how you are getting on! (You've had most of these words before so this is a revision list.)
1. the
2. said
3. for
4. some
5. you