Welcome Pengwins

Welcome Pengwins

Dear Pengwins,
We are so sorry that you are not in school this week We have set some activities for you to complete at home. If you need any help with the activities please get in touch by clicking on the Pengwin.
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda a croeso i Pod Pengwin!
Our topic this term is.....
Whose planet is it anyway?
1.Hook - Lets get motivated!! Watch the video below and lets begin learning about our Topic.
Meet Ping and Bleep.

2.Authenticity - Why are we doing this?
We need to do our EPIC planning (Everybody Planning in Class). Watch this video to help get you get started. Where will your learning take you this term?
Can you tell us what you would like to learn about this term? You could email or us send us a short video.
Whose planet is it anyway?

We need your help!

Our Epic Planning.
Our EPIC Planning

What we want to learn about - Pictures
3.Knowledge - What do we need to know?
Check back here next week
4.Application - Let's get to work.
Check back here next week
This week we will be practising our Read Write Inc speed sounds and words. Click on your RWI group video below to follow our virtual RWI lessons.
If you or your child is unsure of what group they are in please message us via the help desk form. Diolch.
Set 1 Speed Sounds

Set 2 Sounds

Set 3 Sounds

Miss Blackmore’s RWI group

Mrs Marchant’s RWI group

Mrs Williams’ Red Ditty Group

Mrs Williams’ Red Ditty Group - Later Ditty

Miss Walters’ Green Group

Miss Walters’ Yellow Group

Can you help Bleep and Ping sort these odd and even
Numcion shapes?
What patterns can you notice? How could you record what you have found out?
Green Chilli challenge.
Can you sort the Numicon shapes into Odd and Even number groups?
Sorting odd and even numbers to 10.

Red Chilli challenge.
Can you use counters, coins, pebbles, buttons to sort numbers 11-20 into odd and even? What patterns can you see?
Sorting odd and even numbers to 20.

Look at our amazing learning!
Our Amazing Learning
Practicing our speed sounds.

Odd and Even Numbers

Odd and Even Numbers - Quick Fire!

Odd and Even Numbers

Odd and Even Numbers

Odd and Even Numbers

Odd and Even Numbers