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Llanrhidian Primary School

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Dyma Dreigiau Llanrhidian 2024-25

Shwmae Day

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Dyma Dreigiau Llanrhidian 2023-24.

Dyma ein targedau am 2023-2024


1. Develop Welsh singing across the school. Dreigiau would like to learn, The anthem, Calon Lan and Saucepan fach. 

2. Develop the role of 'Capten Chwarae' in Llanrhidian World of Work and play Welsh games during lunch time

3. Lead two weekly Welsh assemblies

4. Improve Welsh signage around the school to encourage Welsh outside of the classroom. 


Each week the Dreigiau choose a Patrwm yr wythnos for us to practice throughout the school. Here is an example. Click on Ceirios above to see our weekly drills.

Patrwm yr wythnos

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Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant 2023

Den y Dreigiau!

Look at our fantastic competition entry!!

Llanrhidian Primary.mp4

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Cwpan y byd Jambori



Pod Pry Cop took part in the World Cup Jambori and got to sing Yma o Hyd with Dafydd Iwan and 2800 other children in Wales.


Dydd Shwmae 2022



Dydd Shwmae

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Siarter Iaith Bronze Award.

We are 'o ben y byd' as on Friday July 15th we acieved our Siarter Iaith Gwobr enfyd. Diolch to all the school and especially the Dreigiau.








Dreigiau Llanrhidian 2021.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant 2022


Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant.



We have met as a Dreigiau and have decided on these competitions for all the Pod's in school.


1. The heaviest leek competition.

Bring in a and we will weigh it to find the heaviest in the Pod.



2. Create a Dragon.

Can you create a ddraig like no other? You can use any materials that you like. It could be 2D or 3D. We will begin making them in school in preparation for Wythnos Gymraeg.



3.How good is your Welsh?

The Dreigiau will be asking you lots of Welsh questions during relax and refuel. How many questions can you answer using just Welsh?


4.Welsh national anthem competition.

Mrs Caswell will be listening and judging each class singing the National Anthem. The winning Pod will receive a prize.








Croeso Pawb

This year is going to be arbennig for the learning & love of Welsh in Llanrhidian.

We would like to welcome our new Dreigiau from each Pod. Pob Lwc pawb!


SDP Link.

Raise standards in Welsh  oracy, reading and writing (L2)  

Dreigiau Meeting 10.2.21

Pod Pry Cop - All members agreed that the Welsh they do each day is 'Amazing' and that slot drillio is great fun.


Pod Pysgodyn - All members said that they do 'loads of Welsh'. They enjoy slot drillio and reading Tric a Chlic books.


Pod Pengwin - They do Welsh slot drillio every day and their favourite game is 'Beat the Mouse'.

Our Targets as a Dreigiau.


1. We need more outdoor games - Menter Iaith are going to train us. 

Develop our own splat game for outdoors.

2. We have to choose a Seren yr Wythnos each week in class.

3. Develop Siop Ceirios.

Develop a pre-order click and collect scheme for Siop Ceirios.

Seren yr wythnos wins a coupon for a prize from Siop Ceirios.

4. Develop Welsh assemblies.

Dreigiau to deliver them in their own classes. One a fortnight.

Wednesday - Pod Pry Cop.

Thursday - Pod Pysgodyn.

Tuesday   - Pod Pengwin.


Dydd Miwsig Cymru



We have selected 4 songs for you to listen to in your Pod.

Please click on the note below to listen and vote for your favourite song.

Thank you for all your votes the winner is Calon Lan 

The winner is ....

Dydd Santes Dwynwen

Ionawr 25th 

Santes Dwynwen - (St Dwynwen) Welsh patron saint of love


Dydd Santes Dwynwen

Dydd Shwmae.

Diolch for celebrating this day with us at Llanrhidian.

Below are some videos from the children and staff.


Pod Pili-Pala 🦋

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Pod Pengwin

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Shwmae from Pry Cop 🕷🕸

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Shwmae Pawb

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Sebona Fi - Yws Gwynedd (geiriau/lyrics)

Can/Song: Sebona FiCanwr/Singer: Yws GwyneddAlbum: Codi / \ CysguCan/Buy the Song = do...

Welsh: National Anthem for beginners

RWC 2011 - Learn the Welsh National Anthem

Dw i'n hoffi siarad cymraeg bob dydd - 2021

Final Monitoring for Dreigiau Summer Term 2021.

Increase progress of Welsh across the school.

Improve opportunities for authentic Welsh oracy and writing across the school.

What has gone well for us this year?

  • "In Pod Pry Cop we are now having a Weekly Welsh lesson and our Slot Drillio games are fun and happen every day".
  • "We enjoyed the blended learning weeks, where we celebrated Dydd Santes Dwynwen, Dydd Miwsig Cymru and Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant".
  • " The IQ that we did for Welsh week about Wales and where we lived was good fun"
  • " We are choosing our  Helpwr Heddiw's everyday".


What is our action plan for next year?

  • "We hope that Covid is gone so that we can open Siop Ceirios but if not can we run it for a differen"t class every week".
  • "We could hold an outdoor assembly for each Pod".
  • "Can we have a Welsh area where you only speak Welsh and there are activities in there like games".
  • "We really need to relaunch Welsh in September"



Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant.

On March 1st we celebrated St David's Day, with the celebration lasting a whole week.

St David's Day Twmpath.

Dydd Miwsig Cymru

5th February 2021 is Welsh Language Music Day

Diolch yn fawr pawb. We have added up your votes and the winning song for Llanrhidian Primary school is 'Coffi Du'.


4.Coffi Du

Uchafbwyntiau Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2020 Welsh language music day

Uchafbwyntiau Dydd Miwsig Cymru / Welsh language music day highlights.


Can you listen to the 5 songs below and vote for your favourite using the form below.

We will announce the winning song on Monday.

Click on the picture to vote.


1. Migldi Magldi by Laura Sutton

2. Sebona Fi - Yws Gwynedd (geiriau/lyrics)

3. Cysgod by Gwilym

5.Space Invaders

January 2021- Dydd Santes Dwynwen.

Take a look at the lovely baking and craft activities that all pupils took part in through blended learning this term.

Dydd Gwyl Santes Dwynwen

Dyma Dreigiau 2020-21.

December 2020.

We were very pleased to see all the effort that had been put into Welsh writing throughout the school. Here are some examples of 'Dyma Fi' IQ's and letters to Sion Corn.

Santa comes from Wales!!

We have always suspected this was true! What a lovely story and thank you to Lyndon Jeremiah who has sent us our own book to keep in school. You can also watch a reading of the story in both Welsh and English.


Santa's Greatest Secret

Santa's Greatest Secret - Lyndon Jeremiah Reading

Santa's Greatest Secret - Children's Story BookSanta has a secret. Find out what it is in this wonderful Christmas story written by Lyndon Jeremiah and illus...

Cyfrinach Fwyaf Sion Corn (Santa's Greatest Secret) - Llyfr plant Cymraeg - Welsh Book Reading

Cyfrinach Fwyaf Sion Corn (Santa's Greatest Secret) - Llyfr plant Cymraeg - Welsh Book Reading - Children's Story BookSanta has a secret. Find out what it is...


Bendigedig pawb! Here are some of our Cinio Cymraeg winners so far this term.

Croeso Pawb

We are looking forward to the new academic year and we are going to make it as fun as we can - 'Llawer o hwyl a sbri'.

We will be celebrating all that is Welsh and our first day of fun will be 'Shwmae Day'. This day will be celebrated on October 15th. Your class Dreigiau's will be asking you for ideas about how you would like to celebrate it. They have to be Covid Safe - Meddylwch.

You have been busy already this term. Da iawn!!

Final monitoring for Welsh by the Dreigiau.

S3 Increase progress of Welsh across the school - Estyn Recommendation - 

We have all worked our socks off this year, spreading the love for the language of Welsh through lots of big events and through our regular daily activities. Dydd Miwsig Cymru and our Eisteddfod are events that the whole school enjoyed.

Our teachers have made our slot drillio's much more fun with new games and activities.

Our assemblies happen every week and more people are speaking the language so that they can get a lovely prize.


T2 Improve opportunities for authentic Welsh oracy and writing across the school  - Estyn Rec 2

We have tried hard to use Welsh across the school through playground games and Siop Ceirios. We were really looking forward to Cinio Cymraeg but Lockdown stopped us doing it. We will have to try it again when we are back in school.

Mrs Marchant says that we need to do more writing in Welsh.

We held our own Eisteddfod and everyone had a Welshcake.

Who had the heaviest leek?

Diolch yn fawr to everyone who came and bought books and food at our fair.

Dw i'n mywnhau Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant.

We are looking forward to our St David's Day celebrations that are taking place on Monday March 2nd. 

Why is the leek a symbol of Wales?

Ever wondered why the leek is a national symbol of Wales? Now you know. Visit



Pwy ydy Ennill?


Pod Pili-Pala - Hei Mistar Urdd.


Pod Pengwin - Hei Mistar Urdd


Pod Pysgodyn - Anifail - Candelas.


Pod Pry Cop - Blwyddyn 4 - Anifail - Candelas.

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 20 - Welsh Language music Day 2020

On Friday February 7 we will be celebrating Dydd Miwsig Cymru. All Pods will be listening to Welsh music this week and will choose their favourite song to share on their Pod page. Dw i'n hoffi Catatonia achos maen gret.

Amser Stori

Breaking News!!

We will be assessed for our Siarter Iaith Bronze award on Monday July 13th. We will be working extremely hard to raise standards in Welsh in our school.

Cofiwch - Please look after our dragons. Class mascots will be coming home to stay ar y penwythnos, bob wythnos (on the weekend every week).

The Role of the Dreigiau Llanrhidian is spread the love of Welsh throughout  the school and the wider community. We are working hard to raise standards in Welsh throughout our school. We are aiming for our Siarter Iiath Bronze Award. 

Dyma Dreigiau Llanrhidian

 Siop Ceirios.


The Siop will re-open to pupils on Monday January 13th.

The Siop will be open Monday - Thursday. We will be CLOSED on Friday.


Siop Rules.

All Dreigiau will take it in turns using the rota to open the siop.

Everything that is sold is recorded.

Add up all takings at the end of each lunchtime opening.



Dewch i chwarae gyda Dreigiau.

The Dreigiau have a selection of Welsh yard games that they can play with their friends at break and lunchtime.

Look for the red jackets !!

Shwmae Day

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Role of the Dreigiau


Open to all pupils in year R, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Job Description

  • To go to regular meetings
  • To help pupils love their Welsh language
  • To lead fortnightly assemblies
  • To run Siop Ceirios
  • To visit Criw Cymraegs in other schools
  • To understand the Siarter Iath Bronze Award