This week we will be learning about the story of Saint Dwynwens Day and creating crafts to celebrate.
Click the link below to read the story of Saint Dwynwen
Dw i'n dy garu di achos...
Saint Dwynwens Day is all about love. Can you tell us who you love and why?
Pori Drwy Stori - This weeks rhyme is 'Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear'& Adeiladu Tŷ Bach, Un Dau Tri.
Making movements can help children to remember the words and to join in with rhymes.
Expressive Art:
Love spoons. Can you use your creative skills and create your own love spoon? What design and patterns will you choose?
Health and Wellbeing:
Mrs Gosney's mum is he best Welsh cake maker in the Gower and she has shared her special family recipe with Pili-Pala. Can you follow the recipe card to make your very own Welsh cakes?
Frozen Hearts experiment. Use your observational skills to see how the different substances are interacting with each other. I wonder what will happen when you mix them?
Fruity Sweet Colour Mixing. Investigate what happens to skittles when warm water is added to them?
Health and Wellbeing:
RSPB During Welly Wednesday we will be continuing to care for the wildlife in our local area by making bird feeders to place around our wild area.
If you would like to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch follow the link below:
Pattwm yr Wythnos:
Pa Lliw?
Pa lliw?
Colour Game
Expressive Art:
I wonder what will happen if you mix two colours together? Watch the video below to find out. Why not have a go yourself.
Colour mixing with Timmy

Numeracy: Symmetry
Can you use your painting skills to create a symmetrical butterfly?
To find our more about Symmetry click on the butterfly to watch the video.