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Llanrhidian Primary School

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Spring Term

Our Topic this Term Is...

'The Mad Matters Tea Party'



Take a look at what our brilliant Pengwins have been up to!

Pengwin WAGOLLs

         Our Topic This Term is:          


“The Mad Matters Tea Party’’


Journey down the rabbit hole and come and join the little Pengwins as we discover the wonder that is ‘The Mad Matters Tea Party’. I wonder what states of matter we can find in Wonderland. I wonder what other fairy tale characters we will meet along the way.


Cynefin: Cynefin is a Welsh word that cannot be directly translated into English, but means a place of multiple belongings. 


The Cheshire Cat would like to learn about Llanrhidian. What can you create to share information about our land? Alice is very interested in learning all about Wales. We will be sharing some traditional Welsh tales with her as well as letting her join in our St David’s Day twmpath.


Rip-Roaring Reads: We believe that developing a love of literature is the first step to becoming a competent reader.  Here are some of the books we will be enjoying with our pupils.  If you know of any great books, stories or poems that will support our topic, please let us know.


  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Traditional Tales i.e Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Rapunzel, Stone Soup
  • The Dragon with the Blazing Bottom by Julia Donaldson
  • The Runaway Iceberg



Here is a sample of some of the learning that we have planned for and with your child. 



‘The Mad Matters Tea Party’

Literacy Language & Communication

Mathematics & Numeracy

Science & Technology

Health & Well-Being

Expressive Arts

Humanities &  Religious Values Education

Digital Competence

Mrs Williams loves the Mad Hatter and once had breakfast with him in Disneyland. What is your favourite fairy tale character and what stories can you tell about them?


‘’How does the Mad Hatter fit so much tea in his belly?’’ Mrs Williams asked.

Can you think of some questions that you would like to ask Alice?


The Mad Hatter has seen Mrs Williams’ healthy hat and he is a trifle jealous.

He wants you to design him one much better. What combination of shapes will you use?


‘I’m late, I’m late for a very important date…with Miss Walters’ the White Rabbit said. Can you help the White Rabbit tell the time as he is having dinner with Miss Walters at 7 o’clock.

What a sbwriel tea party! The jelly was runny, the marmalade was solid, and the hot chocolate was still a bar. What do you know about the different states of matter? How would you plan a different tea party?

Healthy Hat is back for another term with the Cheshire Cat as her partner in crime. What healthy activities will they be planning for Fun Friday?


Can you jog like the March Hare?

Can you skip like the White Rabbit?

Can you scurry like the Cheshire Cat?

Let’s look at different ways of travelling around our school.

Alice is wondering what is behind the magic door in the Pengwin Wonderland.

Mrs Blackmore is sure she has spotted a 2 headed Llama and an elephant fish! What creatures might you find in Wonderland?


The Doormouse likes a relaxing lullaby to fall asleep to. Can you compose a tune for him?

 Alice is lost in the Queen of Hearts maze. Can you help her escape dodging the crocodiles and Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee?


Mrs Marchant is feeling very confused at the tea party because nothing is as it should be. Can you describe how the other characters are feeling from the images? 

Alice is ‘starvio’ can you collect some data to find out what her favourite fruit is? How can you collect the data?


The Mad Hatter is confused and doesn’t understand what matter is. How can you show him what matter we have in Pod Pengwin? Can you take photographs or make a pictogram?

‘Key Knowledge, Skills & Experiences’

We will be planning in Progression Step 1 and 2

Literacy Language & Communication

Mathematics & Numeracy

Science & Technology

Health & Well-Being

Expressive Arts

Humanities &  Religious Values Education

Digital Competence

We will begin to form letters correctly using an appropriate grip.


We will start to have an awareness of how words are separated by spaces.


We will segment and blend.


We will use context and pictures to help me understand what we read.


We will recognise and follow pictorial and/or spoken information and multi-step instructions about familiar topics and routines.


We will respond creatively to the range of literature we hear, read or view.

We will explore, compare, and use the general language of shapes through investigative play.


We will investigate, collect and record data found in my environment.


We will begin to understand and apply the language of time in relation to my daily life.


We will use money, and the language of money, in play and real-life situations and we will start to understand that we need to exchange money for items.


We have experienced the counting sequence of numbers in different ways, reciting forwards and backwards, and starting at different points.

We will be exploring the properties of materials and choose different materials for a particular use.


We will be identifying, following and beginning to create sequences and patterns in everyday activities.

We will be developing our confidence and motivation to move in different ways and we will begin to develop control of gross motor and fine motor movements in different environments, moving safely in response to instructions.


We will make decisions based on what we like and dislike.

We will be exploring and experimenting with a variety of creative techniques, materials, processes, resources, tools and technologies.


We will begin to design our own creative work.


We will share our creative work.


We will begin to use creative materials safely with guidance and direction

We will begin to recognise the effects that we have on the natural world.


We will, through play, explore, discover and begin to ask simple questions and offer possible answers based on previous experiences.


We will begin to communicate our findings in simple ways.


We will begin to understand that our actions and those of others have consequences.

We will identify and use a range of media and digital devices from familiar experiences.


We will talk about different forms of online communication, e.g. e-mail, messaging, video call


