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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Here you will find the latest news and information about school events. Please subscribe to the calendar to keep fully informed.

  • Message from the Head Teacher

    Thu 31 Dec 2020 D Caswell


    Updated Position on Swansea Schools Return to Face to Face Learning  - Statement from the Local Authority


    New school face to face learning dates - start 11th January 2021

    We need to alert you that the Swansea approach to returning to school in January.  This  has been revised following meetings with Welsh Government and all Councils.

    "All Swansea schools will aim to return to face to face learning from Monday 11 January instead of 6 January. There will be a delay to face to face learning to allow time to consider updated information, expected next week, about Covid-19, including the new variant. All schools will provide online learning from Wednesday 6 January and each school will provide onsite childcare for vulnerable children if needed and critical workers' children if essential from Wednesday 6 January. The position will be reviewed on 6 January."

    Further information will be circulated via the Council's social media this evening.

    Emergency childcare booking procedures - If parents need to book a place at the emergency child care, parents are to email the school directly. Childcare will run from Wednesday 6th January , 7th and 8th from 8.30am - 3.30pm. Parent must be a key worker and are reminded that this will run as one bubble and the safest place for children is at home.


  • School Blog Friday 18th December

    Fri 18 Dec 2020 D Caswell

    We made it! A whole term completed and not only have we managed to stay open, we have had only three instances of isolation.  I hope this reflects the hard work and dedication of the staff to make our school as safe as possible.  However, we also need your help to keep us safe.  Please, please consider minimising your child's contact with others out of school.  We have been informed that the new term will involve the introduction of testing.  When we have more information, we will share this with you. Thank you for all your kind words at the end of term.  We loved reading them, and they were shared with all staff.  It really does mean a lot, thank you.  Have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in the new year.  Mrs Caswell. 

    End of Autumn Term Headlines:-

    1. Start of New School Term

    Its been decided, by the Local Authority,  that ALL schools in Swansea will take the first two days of the Spring Term as buffer days to establish staffing levels and align health and safety protocols.  School for your child will start on Wednesday 6th January.   There will be no school for any pupils on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th of January.  

    2. Emergency Contact 

    If you need to contact us due to a Covid19 related issue, please use the dedicated form which can be accessed here

    3. Reports

    The children's online reports have been released.  Please click here if you can't remember how to access the reports. These reports are ongoing and will be updated again by staff at the end of the Spring Term

    4. Launch Day

    We will be launching our new topic on January 6th, the first day back for pupils! Teachers have planned an exciting range of activities to inspire and motivate the children. Please can children bring wellies and suitable outdoor clothing as some activities will be taking place in the school grounds.

  • School Blog Friday 11th December

    Fri 11 Dec 2020 Mrs R Jones

    This week's headlines:

    1. End of School Term

    As you will be aware from the email sent last night, we have been informed by the County that the school will be closed to pupils from Monday 14th December. The staff will upload each pods' online learning on Monday and will email/tweet the link to the pod page to let you know when these are ready. 

    2. Well-Being Check in

    The children in Pod Pysgodyn and Pod Pry-Cop now have a dedicated well-being check-in page on the school website. We have shared this with the children already in class so they know how to complete it independently. We would be very grateful if you could encourage your children to complete the form at least once a week during any periods of school or pod closure.

    3.Christmas Show Films

    Get out the popcorn!! We are very excited to announce that each pod will be releasing their Christmas films on our film channel on Monday!! We will tweet and email you as soon as these have been uploaded. We would love it if you could tweet us pictures of your families enjoying the films @Llanrhidianp. 

    4. Christmas Raffle 

    The Christmas raffle has now been drawn! Mrs. Whitehead will be informing the lucky winners today by email.  The pupils will take home the smaller prizes, but hampers will need to be collected from the reception area at end of day.  Please ring the bell when you arrive and Mrs Whitehead will bring the prize out for you.

    5. Reports

    The children's online reports will be released next Thursday. The pod staff will email you as soon as these are ready to view. Please click here if you can't remember how to access the reports. These reports are ongoing and will be updated again by staff at the end of the Spring Term. Please email the school if you need a reminder of your child's HWB password. (Older children will know their own passwords.)

    6. Launch Day

    We will be launching our new topic on January 4th, the first day of term! Teachers are currently planning an exciting range of activities to inspire and motivate the children. Please can children bring wellies and suitable outdoor clothing as some activities will be taking place in the school grounds.


  • School Blog Friday 4th December

    Fri 04 Dec 2020 Mrs R Jones

    This week's headlines:

    1. Will school finish early this term?

    Parents have been asking if school will finish early this term. The advice from the LA is;

    ‘There has been a lot of talk about switching to remote learning during the week commencing 14 December. Unless there is a national directive to do so, Swansea schools will remain open until 18 December. Nearly all schools/ providers will finish on 18 December and utilise INSET days on 21 and 22


    In addition - The local Authority has advised all schools to pre-warn parents of the potential that they may have to close / reduce operations as we approach the end of term with reducing staffing levels. We have done incredibly well to keep all podlets active as much as possible with only 1 podlet having to close this term so far.


    We recognise parents concern with the potential of their children having to isolate over Christmas, therefore, if parents choose to keep children home we understand their decision. Please however inform us via email so we are able to monitor where all children are. The week of the 14th will be festive fun,

    toys, games and crafts.

    2.  Reports

    The children's end of term reports will be published online during the last week of term. You will need to use your child's HWB password to access the report in the shared files area. Please click here for a reminder of how to view the report. Please contact the school if you need a reminder of your child's passwords. (Older children will know their own password.)

    3. Covid19

    Should you need to report a positive case "out of school opening hours", please use the contact form on our website.  The link to this page can be accessed here. Non urgent queries or requests can continue to be raised through the office email: .


    Please click here to access information regarding TTP, symptoms and testing. Here you will find clear guidelines of when you must keep your child at home and details of the self-isolation requirements.

    4. Christmas Raffle

    We are still collecting raffle prizes for our traditional Christmas Raffle. Please see below for the colour of your class.  Please could all donations be in by Monday 7th December to allow for quarantining.

    Nursery - Green

    Reception  - White

    Year 1  - Silver

    Year 2 - Purple

    Year 3 - Purple

    Miss Colwill - Red

    Mr Dowsett - Gold

