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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Here you will find the latest news and information about school events. Please subscribe to the calendar to keep fully informed.

  • School Blog Friday 17th December 2021

    Tue 14 Dec 2021 D Caswell

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We have got to the end of an eventful term, and together we have continued to conduct our core business of learning, well-being and safeguarding.  Well done everyone!  Despite the challenges, staff have worked tirelessly to produce the Christmas shows.  These really do take hours and hours to film, edit and produce, so I am sure you will join me in thanking the staff for their dedication.   


    You should have all received two important letters yesterday, one from the Director of Education and one from myself.  Please share these with any family members,  childminders or anyone who drops off or collects your child.  In addition, please remind everyone that we requests face masks to be worn by all adults whilst on school premises.  The letters are also available on the website and can be accessed here


    Here are the headlines this week. 


    Contacting us - I am  respectfully reminding parents not to email staff on their personal emails, especially through the Christmas break.  Our staff well-being is paramount in order to re-charge the batteries and prepare for the Spring Term.  In an emergency, or to report a positive case, please use the usual covid contact us page  It is important that we are aware of any cases for school and local authority records. 


    Warn and Inform Letters - We will not be sending out any warn and inform letters over the Christmas break, unless we have new cases within two days of the end of term. 


    Reporting to Parents - Due to some changes in Hwb, our innovative approach to sharing your child's report via their account will need to cease from Summer 2022.  Your Summer report will be emailed to you directly, and this will be the way moving forward.  You will still have access to your child's previous reports until the end of the year, so we suggest you download these if you want to keep them.   Next term we will be considering how best we can report to you eg face to face or teams.  We will keep you updated. 


    Planning Days - As per the ministerial announcement, all schools will have two planning says on the 4th and 5th of January.   First day back for pupils is January 6th. 

    Additional INSET days are18th and 28th February 2022 and 6th June 2022.


    Launch Day NEW DATE! - We have a wonderful "covid safe" launch day planned for January 10th.  Please send your child in waterproof, warm clothing and wellies.  We have a fun packed and outdoor day planned.   We have postponed our off site event until it is safe to do so. 


    Home Learning - The website and its pod pages will continue to be available throughout the holiday.  Homes Quests host a wealth of online learning that can be accessed by your child. 


    Reading  - Your child will have been sent home reading books for over the Christmas holidays. Please try and spend a short amount of time each day reading with them.  If you would like some extra reading, then please have a look at Oxford Owl, where there are a variety of books to read.  Your pod staff will have reminded you of your log in.


    New Nursery Pupils - Admission processes for nursery are now dealt with at school level.  If you know of any new families  please tell them to contact the school office so we can help with this process.   In the meantime, we are looking forward to welcoming our new pupils in January.  


    Breakfast Club - Please understand that places are limited.  Only places for those who have booked will be allocated.  Please pay your fees promptly, as we have to pay staff. 


    Should there be any significant updates for January, I will email you before the start of term. We know we have challenging times ahead, but by supporting each other we will get through them.  This is an amazing community and our school staff are proud to be part of it.  Have a fabulous Christmas, keep safe, and we will all look forward to seeing you all in the Spring.


    Nadolig hapus a blwyddyn newydd dda!

    Mrs Caswell xx  




  • School Blog Friday 10th December 2021

    Mon 06 Dec 2021 D Caswell

    Dear Parents,

    I am thanking you all once again for your support whilst we face continuous challenges. Our core business of teaching, learning, well-being and safeguarding has never been so difficult, but with your help we are still open, still going and still smiling.  We are all looking forward to a well earned Christmas holiday, but we have one more week left in school, and intend to make the most of it.  As I have said many times, our school, and its curriculum goes beyond our school gates.   So if your child is at home, learning can continue via our pod pages.  Teachers are telling me how much they enjoy seeing the pupils using the pod flipbits and home quests and how hard many are working to keep their learning going!  Well done all - we are very proud of you!   Here are the headlines this week:-


    1. Retirement - Mrs Joseph will be sadly leaving us at the end of next week.  Mrs Joseph has been at the school for many, many years, and has had a huge influence on the lives of hundreds of pupils in her care.  We will all miss Mrs Joseph, and I know the pupils will particularly miss the lovely outdoor education that she has developed in recent years.    I know you will join me in wishing Mrs Joseph well in her retirement and good luck in all her new and exciting ventures.


    School Reports - Next week we will release the Autumn 2021 online reports into your child's Hwb account.  If you are unsure of how to access these, please visit our "How to..." guide on the website.  Here is the link.   Please note that reading and spelling assessments (PryCop and Pysgodyn only)  were taken in September.  We will be re-assessing your child in the Spring term, and we will discuss these with you in the parent meetings.  You will also notice that we are not reporting on your child's attendance this term due to the impact of covid. 


    100 Club - We are now collecting for Spring Term's 100 club.  Please support us with just £1 per week, as this makes a huge difference to the resources and opportunities we can offer our pupils.  You can sign up for 5 weeks (£5) or 10 weeks (£10) and negotiate your numbers with Jayne in the office.  A big thank you to the staff who diligently record the draws each week to raise money for the pupils.  Please ask your relatives and friends to support us too!  For more information click here


    Christmas Raffle - Our raffle will be drawn by the lovely office staff on Tuesday. We have loads of prizes to give out, so if you want to increase your chances, please send in your money (clearly marked in an envelope) and we will add your tickets to the draw.  Just let us know what name and contact number to write on the tickets.  Thank you to all those who have donated prizes.  Don't worry if your child is not in school - we will find a way of getting your prize to you by the end of term. 


    Virtual Concerts - A huge applaud must go to all the staff and pupils for getting these concerts completed amid all the disruptions.  We hope you all enjoy the shows which will be accessible via our website's video channel next week.  Don't forget to tweet a picture of your family enjoying the shows!  


    Christmas Lunch Tuesday 14th  -  Christmas Lunch will be served on this day.  Don't forget you can send your children in Christmas jumpers to make it even more festive. Please ensure your sQuid account is topped up. 


    Storm Damage - Our poor poly tunnel had no chance fighting against the two recent storms, and we have been left with just a frame.  We do not want to lose this superb resource for our pupils, so we now need to seek someone who can advise on how best to re-cover and repair this outdoor classroom.  If you know of a company or a local firm who can help, please let us know so we can seek some quotes.


    Launch Day January 5th 2022 - Please ensure you have completed the consent form for this day as we are taking the pupils to an exciting venue for part of this day.  All pupils will need wellies and waterproofs for this day. If your child does not have wellies, please let us know and we will try to source. 


    Omicron: Latest Guidance -  "If you are a close contact of someone who is confirmed or suspected to have the Omicron variant, you must self-isolate from the day you were last in contact with the person who tested positive and for the next 10 days, regardless of your vaccination status or age. Contact tracers will let you know if your contact is a confirmed or suspected case of the Omicron variant. You should also take a PCR test on day 2 and day 8. It is important that you take the tests even if you feel well as you may have COVID-19 even if you do not have symptoms. Even if these tests are negative, you must complete the isolation period. This is because if you have been infected, it can take time for symptoms to develop or to become infectious to others. If the variant is suspected, you must isolate until it has been confirmed that the person who has tested positive does not have an Omicron variant. Once that happens Test, Trace, Protect service will contact you and advise on what to do next. This may mean you can leave self-isolation but it will depend on your age, vaccination status and nature of the contact."


    Have a super weekend, and keep safe.

    Mrs Caswell 



  • School Blog Friday 3rd December

    Wed 01 Dec 2021 D Caswell

    Dear Parents and Carers, 


    We are now well and truly in the throws of Christmas festivities, despite covid rates remaining high across the school.   However, this situation is being met with the tremendous resilience of pupils, staff and yourselves.  Well done everyone!  Being #TeamLlanrhidian remains the key to getting us through these constant challenges, and as an old African proverb states...."Smooth seas do not create skillful sailors".  


    Staff are doing their absolute utmost to ensure your child will not miss out on their Christmas performances,  crafts and festive activities.  If your child is isolating, remember they can keep in touch via the pod pages and access home learning from the "Home Quests" and the "Flipped Learning" pages.  If during such isolation you need any support, please contact the office and we will do our very best to help. 


    Please remember to use the "Covid Contact Us" page to report any covid related issues.  Thank you once again for all your support!  You have been amazing.  Here are this week's headlines:-


    Re-Used Christmas Jumpers:- If you have any good quality Christmas jumpers that can be re-used, please send into school.  Likewise, if you would like a re-cycled one, let us know and we will send one home if we have one available.  (We will isolate these for 72 hours)


    Re-Used Togs:- In the ethos of reduce, re-use and recycle, please send in any good quality football or rugby togs for us to re-distribute.  Thank you for those already sent in.  


    Sports Club:- Please can all pupils be collected at 4.15 on this night.  There is not a window of pick up due to other staff commitments. 


    Reminder Christmas Raffle - Thank you to those who have sent in prizes and money for tickets.   We are creating "Pod Hampers" (as many as we can) so please send in wine, chocolates, Christmas items etc.  Also if you are in the position to donate a larger "stand alone" prize we would be very grateful.  As always, if you know any local businesses who can help, please ask them for us too and we will Tweet a thank you.  We have already booked and planned a special launch day for our pupils in January, and this does cost the school.  The money we raise helps us to provide our pupils with the best experiences and resources that really does impact on their learning.  Thank you again for your support.


    Our Environment - We continue to value our environment to enhance wellbeing and learning.  Thank you to those who have sent in "indoor" plant pots, we have been spreading these around the school and pupils are taking responsibility for their class plants.    Please keep these coming in, as we are still keen to add more plants to our indoor environment.  Like wise, if you have any house plants that you no longer want, please send them in to us.  


    Sickness & Diarrhoea:- Please note the advice from NHS.

    Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay away from school for 2 days (48hours) after their symptoms have gone. 


    Dog Poo on Community Path:- Having fought for a safe community path for 13 years, is does seem such a shame that some dog owners are allowing their dogs to foul on this much used and vital route.  This is not the school's remit, and we have suggested that parents need to raise this with the community council.  However, true responsibility must lie with the dog owners, so perhaps if we all spread the word, it may help. 


    And on a jollier note, have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the excitement of December.  :) 

    Mrs Caswell 


