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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog

Here you will find the latest news and information about school events. Please subscribe to the calendar to keep fully informed.

  • Message from the Head Teacher

    Fri 25 Sep 2020 D Caswell

    I am sure you have now heard the news that from 6pm Sunday evening, Swansea will have to adhere to restrictions of lockdown.  This exerts further pressures on every family, so I urge you to continue to support each other during these difficult times. 


    Our wonderful staff are working incredibly hard to ensure our school is as safe as possible, and are striving to keep learning going whatever the situation that we may be faced with.  


    Please understand that education is a multi-agency approach, and should we have a positive case in the school, we will be working with the appropriate agencies to take the right action.  As always we will communicate  with you as swiftly as possible.   


    Your continued support has never been more appreciated as we are all doing our very best.  Please help us to keep our staff and pupils safe by sticking to the guidance out of school hours.  Keep safe. 


    Mrs C 

  • School Blog Friday 25th September 2020

    Fri 25 Sep 2020 Mrs R Jones

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Here are the main headlines this week.


    1. Swansea Lockdown

    We have received the news this afternoon that Swansea will enter a local lockdown commencing Sunday 27th September. Please be assured that schools will remain open during this period.


    2. Parents Evening

    We will be offering parents the option of having a parent consultation phone call after October Half Term. Teachers will phone parents between 3.40pm and 5pm during the period from Monday 2nd November to Thursday 5th November. The phone call will last up to 10 minutes. If you wish to receive a phone call, please contact Jayne in the office with your preferred date and time and we will do our best to accommodate you. Please note that this is an optional meeting and we will be sending home pupil progress reports at the end of term as we did last year. The agenda for the phone call will be to discuss your child's well-being, their progress in Literacy and Numeracy and their home learning.


    3. Home Learning

     The teachers are working incredibly hard to make their pod web pages a one stop shop for your child's learning both at home and in school. The pod page contains a "Home Quest" section which contains links to websites which we expect your children to use regularly at home e.g. Reading Eggs. It is incredibly important that you spend time working on these activities at home with your children in addition to their daily reading and spelling practice. If your child is self-isolating at any point, they need to use the pod page to keep on top of their learning.


    4. One Way System

    We are very aware that our one-way system is not convenient, but it is there to keep us all safe.  The pinch point seems to be around the drop off zone gate where parents are going against the one way system at pick up time.  Please do not do this as it very narrow and we are seeing parents squeeze past each other.  Please also inform extended family members of the need for social distancing. 


    If you have mobility issues and you cannot walk around the school, then please stand outside the drop off zone gate and we will bring your child to you when we can.  But please expect to wait as staff are supervising other children. 

    4. Swansea Lockdown

    We have received the news this afternoon that Swansea will enter a local lockdown commencing Sunday 27th September. Please be assured that schools will remain open during this period.



    Have a lovely weekend all!

    Mrs Jones

  • School Blog Friday 18th September2020

    Fri 18 Sep 2020 Mrs R Jones

    We've had another great week getting stuck into our new topic.  Here are the main headlines this week:


    Home Learning

    Teachers are now placing much of the weekly learning on the pod web pages. If your child is off school they can keep abreast of their learning by accessing their pod page. The children use their pod pages daily in school to access videos, IQ cards and a wealth of other resources, and are becoming confident and independent in finding the things they need to support their learning. Please reinforce this independence at home by asking the children to use their "Flip Bits" page to explain to you what they have been learning, and by encouraging them to log in to the links in the "Home Quests" tab e.g. Reading Eggs. We would expect the children to use these sites regularly at home throughout the week. Details about PE and other pod information is also published on the pod pages.


    Pick Up and Drop Off

    Thank you very much for complying with the one way system and using the extended drop off and pick up times. Please note for traffic management reasons,  we do not offer a drive by and pick up system in the "drop off" zone at the end of the day. You still need to park and come to the designated place to pick up your children.


    School Uniform

    Great news - school uniform can now be ordered on linb

    e by visiting:


    Sports Club

    This has been postponed until further notice



  • School Blog Thursday 10th September 2020

    Thu 10 Sep 2020 D Caswell

    We have had a wonderful week with nearly all the pupils back in our school.  Thank you, once again, for your patience and support with all the new routines.  Here are the headlines for the week:-


    Aristotle's Rainbow - Our new topic is well underway.  Please remember that the pod pages are now improved to support home learning should your child need to stay at home.  Your children are learning to access all the resources in school too, so please ask them to show you around.  


    100 Club Lottery - Thank you so much for supporting this.  We will be drawing our first number next Friday.  We have a couple of numbers left and if they all sell we will definitely have a winner!  If we draw an unsold number, then we will roll over £25 to the following week!  


    School Funds - Finances are difficult across the country right now, and schools have been hit along with all other industries.  We are currently spending much more on pupil resources eg chrome books,  individual stationary as well as providing more soap, sanitiser, hand towels etc.  Your support during these times are absolutely invaluable.  As we approach Harvest, the Monster Ball time and of course Christmas we will be thinking of how we can safely celebrate these wonderful and traditional occasions.  We will keep you posted.  But if you have any ideas how we can safely raise much needed funds, whilst having fun,  please let us know.  

  • School Blog Friday 4th September

    Fri 04 Sep 2020 D Caswell

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    We have had a fantastic start to the term.  Thank you all so much for helping us with your support, patience and understanding.  (When this school was built in 1910, no consideration was given to a one way system within a pandemic situation).  However, with a few tweaks we think we  now have a system that will work.  


    From this week forward we will not be updating the return to school letter that is placed in the Corona Virus Information Section. (Link below).  Instead, any updates will be made on this blog and you will receive an email with the link.  We will also continue to use Twitter.  


    Here are a few important updates taken from the latest return to school newsletter.  Link to Latest Return to School Newsletter


    1. One Way System - Please could parents not cross the junior yard against the one way system.  However, we are allowing pupils to do this to access their workshops.  


    2.  Teachers' Planning Day  - All pupils will be in school Monday to Thursday next week.  There will be a Government Planning Day on Friday for staff.


    3. Website - Pod pages are being updated with "Home Quests", "Pod Flip Bits" and a "Home Learning Menu".  These will help you support your child's learning both in school and at home.


    4. Pupil Equipment - Please help us to manage space by NOT sending your child in with big bags.  Pupils need a water bottle (Not juice unless it is for lunch time only).  A pack of tissues for your child's tray is advised.  


    5.  Face Coverings - Face masks are not needed for any pupil.


    6.  School Lunches  - Prepared lunches will resume on 14th September.  Please ensure your accounts have the necessary funds should you wish to order a hot or cold dinner. 


    7.  Breakfast Club  - Breakfast club will be resuming on 14th September.  ALL pupils must be pre-booked by contacting the school office.  


    8.  After School ClubWe will not be running after school club until further notice. There is a Governing Body Meeting on October 5th to discuss the future of after school club. Unfortunately the school’s budget cannot fund this provision, and Covid Operational Guidance creates a number of issues for the school.


    9. Symptoms & Testing - The school has updated the website to include very useful Covid19 information  - "Symptoms and Testing"


    10.  Physical Education and Sports Club - Your Pod Staff will let your know which day PE is on.  Pupils MUST wear the kit to school (Shorts or tracksuit bottoms; trainers; school T-shirt and school jumper) as we have no space for pupils to change.  Pupils without the appropriate footwear, will be unable to participate.   We will update you on sports club very soon. 






