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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Here you will find the latest news and information about school events. Please subscribe to the calendar to keep fully informed.

  • School Blog Thursday 27th May 2021

    Tue 25 May 2021 D Caswell

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Firstly, a big thank you for all the plants and donations for the benches.  There has been a fantastic response, and we are looking forward to the grounds looking amazing.  I am sure you all agree that our environment is so important to our well-being. 


    Can you believe we have come to the summer half term?  Another school year is nearly over, and it has certainly been an interesting one.  We are all looking forward to the final half term, and we are planning some great activities whilst still operating under the schools' operational guidance.  Please see this week's headlines below:-


    1. Sports Day (Week of 28th June) - Last year we had to have a virtual sports day.  Well, this year the pupils can have their own sports day in their contact bubbles.  Teachers are planning these events and will let you know which day they will be racing.  A dedicated video channel will be set up on our website for you to view the events.  Your Pod staff will let you know what your child will need.  Sport's Day T-Shirts are available from the office.  Please email if you need to know what colour house your child is in. 

    2.  End of Term Video - Ensuring our pupils get a a curriculum that covers "breadth and depth" is vital to the development of knowledge and skills.  To celebrate this term's work, all pods are developing a film for your to enjoy at the end of term.  These enable pupils to share their knowledge and develops skills such as creativity, problem solving, planning and organisation as well as self efficacy.  We will let you know when these are ready to launch.  Please remember our video channel (Which we started in March 2020)  is available for all to access from our website.   

    3.  Parent Meetings:  After half term you will have the opportunity to speak to your child's teachers.  During this meeting staff will discuss the following with you:-

    • Your child's wellbeing
    • How your child responding to our recovery curriculum in school
    • How you can support key skills at home


    Many, many thanks again for all your help and support.  I am working in another school tomorrow, so I will not be at drop off and pick up so please have a fabulous half term, and I look forward to seeing everyone back safe and sound on June 7th. 


    Kindest Regards


    Mrs Caswell

  • School Blog Friday 21st May 2021

    Thu 20 May 2021 D Caswell

    Dear Parent and Carers,

    Thank you for another lovely week in Llanrhidian. Our "Go! Go! Gower Rangers!" topic is going well, and it is so interesting to see how each pod takes their learning in different directions.  Please remember to keep up to date with your child's pod through out Twitter account @Llanrhidianp.  


    Next week is our last week of this half term, and I am so pleased to announce that we have not needed to isolate any pupils.  Well done everyone!  Until further notice, however, we remain operating under the same guidance, but will update you when this changes.   Here are this week's headlines: 


    1. Copper and a Cuppa Tuesday 25th May 3pm - We will be arranging a "Cuppa with a Copper" event in the school next Tuesday 25th May,  for you to discuss any local issues.  Pcso Andy Brown and Pcso Joelle Borthwick, will be available in the front yard (by the boat), from 3pm to 3:45pm.  We will open the gates at three on this day.  We will provide tea and coffee. 

    All persons will need to adhere to the 2m distance rule at all times and wear a face mark. Parents/carers who wish to speak in confidence will be able to request this and a private space will be made available in the school hall.   We hope that this can become a regular event to enable the opportunity to share any concerns. 

    2. INSET Days - We will be closed to pupils,  on the following days: 15th & 16th July (Last day of Summer term for pupil is 14th July).  2nd & 3rd September (First day Autumn term will be Monday 6th September). 

    3. Half Price Uniform:  We still have some items left in the office that we need to sell.  We are reducing to half price.  If you are interested, please email the office with the size you need, and we can let you know what is available.  If you prefer to buy online, please visit our supplier "Bergoni"  and order direct. 

    4. Parent Meetings:  All parents and carers should have now received a time for a parent consultation.  If you have not, please let your pod staff know as soon as possible.  As you will not be able to visit the school this year, we will be sending a folder of work home at the end of the term.  We will also be treating you to an end of term "Documentary" that the children are planning and filming.  

    5. 100 Club:  Thank you so much for supporting our 100 club.  If you want to pre-book numbers for future draws, please send in your money in multiples of £5.  For more information please visit our 100 club webpage. 


    Have a super weekend.

    Mrs Caswell 


  • School Blog Friday 14th 2021

    Fri 14 May 2021 D Caswell

    Dear Parents and Carers, 


    Our new one way system in the PryCop Yard is working really well and it has minimised the amount of pedestrians mixing with moving cars on the side lane.  Please can you make sure all family members, who collect, are aware of this, to keep them safe too.  Thank you all so much for your co-operation.   Here are this week's headlines:-

    1. Drop Off - Please can we ask all parents to turn their engines off when dropping their child OR enable pupils to exit the vehicle gate side.  We have had a number of near misses where cars have moved forward when their child is passing in front.  I know it is busy, but better to be safe and those few extra seconds can ensure we have no incidents.  Please also pass this message on to your family members who drop off. 

    2. School Grounds  - Our plans to improve our outdoors are going really well.  Thank you so much for supporting our appeal for our outdoor tables and benches.  We have had some very generous donations in addition to the Roy Collins Fund which has now reached over £1700.    Every little helps, so if you are able to support us with a financial contribution, please send into school.  

    3. Well Being Week - This year, the week of 24th May we will be celebrating the Health and Well-being Area of Learning. Usually, we would invite the children to bring in their pets and have a different visitors come in and talk to the children. Unfortunately, as you know,  current restrictions do not allow this. We really need some support to make this week even better for the children. If possible, we would like help to tidy up our outside areas. If you are able to donate any of the following, it will help us greatly:- 

    • annuals/perennials
    • compost/topsoil
    • plants pots
    • donations towards tables and benches
    • bark chippings

    Your Pod Staff will be in touch to let you know what your child may need to bring in terms of gardening/sport/outdoor equipment. 

    4. 100 Club - It's not too late to join our 100 club for after half term.  Please send in £5 to the office.  This is a great way of raising funds for our pupils, but also gives you the chance of winning £50 each week!  Well done to our luck winners so far this term.  For more information click here

    5. INSET Days - The school has a number of INSET days yet to take, however we feel that we want to see your children as much as we can before the Summer break.  For this reason staff and governors have decided that we will take just two INSET days at the end of term to prepare for the New Curriculum. This means the last day of the Summer Term will be Wednesday 14th July.


    Have a Super Weekend,

    Mrs Caswell & #TeamLlanrhidian 

  • School Blog Friday 7th May 2021

    Thu 06 May 2021 D Caswell

    Dear Parents,


    Fun Fridays are being really well received by the pupils and we are thrilled that we have been able to make the most of the outdoors during this time.  It is so important that we end each week on a high note, and I hope your children are telling you all about their activities.   Fun Fridays also enable nearly all teachers to take their PPA at the end of the week, which is much less disruptive to the pods' learning.  


    The marquee has now gone until Autumn, and we are awaiting for our wild flower garden to be prepared.  It is so important that we all begin to feel a little more hopeful as the weather improves and we can make the most of the outdoors. 


    As we are entering more relaxed times we will continue to operate under the school's operational guidance, and will keep you fully informed of any changes.  For example we can now take children off site.  However, we will do this only with due consideration.  We are beginning to feel like a fully functioning school again with our attendance well over 95%.


    You will hear about schools having a recovery plan.  Well ours is already up and running.  We are focusing on well-being, relationships and the enjoyment of learning.  Do not believe the media when they talk about a "lost" generation. Our children are the "next" generation and they will rise to the future challenges  because they are developing resilience, empathy, tolerance and because they have you and us to support them when they need it.  The new curriculum for Wales is appropriate more now than ever.  Schools have the autonomy to provide pupils with what they need, and that is our plan.       


    Please remember to follow us on Twitter for some daily updates across the school.  Your pod staff use this regularly, so please ask family and friends to follow us, and don't forget to like the tweets.  (Staff do get quite competitive about how many likes they get!)    @LlanrhidianP


    Reminder  - Pyjamarama Day Friday 14th May 2021 - Join the PJ Masks, Tracy Beaker and Horrid Henry for a fun day in your pyjamas. Children are invited to wear their pyjamas to school to spend the day reading, enjoying and sharing stories together.  

    Pyjamarama is all about getting children excited about reading,

    fundraising and to make sure every child gets their bedtime story. Please send in a small donation of £1 per family. Money raised will be sent to the Booktrust.   For more information on how Booktrust supports children’s reading please visit the following link:


    Have a fabulous weekend 

    Kind Regards

    Mrs Caswell 
