Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a fantastic start to the term. Thank you all so much for helping us with your support, patience and understanding. (When this school was built in 1910, no consideration was given to a one way system within a pandemic situation). However, with a few tweaks we think we now have a system that will work.
From this week forward we will not be updating the return to school letter that is placed in the Corona Virus Information Section. (Link below). Instead, any updates will be made on this blog and you will receive an email with the link. We will also continue to use Twitter.
Here are a few important updates taken from the latest return to school newsletter. Link to Latest Return to School Newsletter
1. One Way System - Please could parents not cross the junior yard against the one way system. However, we are allowing pupils to do this to access their workshops.
2. Teachers' Planning Day - All pupils will be in school Monday to Thursday next week. There will be a Government Planning Day on Friday for staff.
3. Website - Pod pages are being updated with "Home Quests", "Pod Flip Bits" and a "Home Learning Menu". These will help you support your child's learning both in school and at home.
4. Pupil Equipment - Please help us to manage space by NOT sending your child in with big bags. Pupils need a water bottle (Not juice unless it is for lunch time only). A pack of tissues for your child's tray is advised.
5. Face Coverings - Face masks are not needed for any pupil.
6. School Lunches - Prepared lunches will resume on 14th September. Please ensure your accounts have the necessary funds should you wish to order a hot or cold dinner.
7. Breakfast Club - Breakfast club will be resuming on 14th September. ALL pupils must be pre-booked by contacting the school office.
8. After School Club - We will not be running after school club until further notice. There is a Governing Body Meeting on October 5th to discuss the future of after school club. Unfortunately the school’s budget cannot fund this provision, and Covid Operational Guidance creates a number of issues for the school.
9. Symptoms & Testing - The school has updated the website to include very useful Covid19 information - "Symptoms and Testing"
10. Physical Education and Sports Club - Your Pod Staff will let your know which day PE is on. Pupils MUST wear the kit to school (Shorts or tracksuit bottoms; trainers; school T-shirt and school jumper) as we have no space for pupils to change. Pupils without the appropriate footwear, will be unable to participate. We will update you on sports club very soon.