Festivals of light.
In the month of November the nights get darker and this is a perfect time for fireworks and festivals that involve light. We celebrate Bonfire Night on November 5th and this year on November 12th we also get to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali.
WB 13.11.23
L.O. To use a range of simple art techniques.
Mrs Rees loves celebrating Diwali. She enjoys creating art with all the beautiful colours. Mrs Rees only has blue, yellow, and red paint. She is wondering how we could make the colours orange and purple.
L.O. To interpret simple charts
Miss Walters really enjoyed tasting the delicious food to celebrate Diwali. She was really surprised at which food was the most popular. Have a look at your group's pictogram, what was the most popular item?
LO Begins to talk and share ideas about different cultures and beliefs, e.g. listens to stories of how different festivals are celebrated.
Miss Blackmore would like to know more about these two November festivals. What can you show her that is the same about Diwali and Bonfire Night and what is different?
L.O. To combine two groups of objects to find out 'how many altogether?'
Miss Walters really enjoyed Bonfire Night! She saw 10 fireworks all at once. She noticed the next display had 1 less. How many fireworks were at that display?
L.O. I can use a pencil and hold it effectively.
This week we will be squiggling the letters...
p and b