Information for Parents
Please ensure that your child has their reading books and reading records with them everyday.
Your child will be coming home with their spellings. Please practise the spelling rule with them. We will test them in school on the spelling rule. Once your child is secure in the spelling rule, they will move on and we will then send home the next spelling band.
Speedy Words
Your child will be introduced to speedy words to help them improve their sight-reading skills and become familiar with high-frequency words commonly used in reading. The goal is for them to recognise these words quickly and easily. Typically, we encourage children to read these words aloud to reinforce their recognition. We usually say 60s for the hundred words and 20s for the Speedy Words 1-5.
P.E. will take place every Wednesday. Please ensure your child has sensible shoes on. Please also provide a t-shirt for your child to change into for P.E.
Fforest Friday
Fforest Friday will take place every Friday. Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor learning.
TTRS (Times Table Rockstars)
Your child will have their TTRS password, so please encourage them to practice daily. Even just 5 minutes a day can greatly improve their times tables.