Welcome back! Hope you had a great half term!
These are the learning activities for the next fortnight. Please use the resources and click on the videos to see the learning!
I wonder if you can write the Queen a letter to tell her all about your Jubilee celebrations...
Patrwm yr Wythnos!
This week we are learning 'Ble wyt ti'n byw?'
Dw i'n byw yn ______.
Dw i'n byw yn ______ mewn __________.
Dw i'n byw yn _______ mewn _______ gyda ______.


Spellings for Friday 17th June
Green Chilli Yellow Chilli
be eleven
of fourteen
but eighteen
our fifteen
all Wednesday
Orange Chilli Red Chilli
start human
city supply
earth corner
eye electricity
light insects
thought doctor
head provided
enough board
father bored
idea modern