This week we are going to be focusing on the lifeboat crew as our unsung heroes! Mrs Blackmore enjoyed her walk to Horton life boat station where she interviewed one of the life boat crew from a safe distance of course!
Horton Lifeboat RNLI

1. Write a letter or make a thank you card.
Your first job this week is to write a letter or make a thank you card to send to Mr Grove. You might like to tell him which part of his interview you enjoyed the most. What did you find interesting? Have you got another question for him? If you take a photo of your letter or card we will email them all to Mr Grove.
2. Floating and Sinking
Can you help Fflic relax in the pool by making him a boat he can float in? What materials could you use? Will it still float if you put one of your teddies in it? Can you draw a diagram to show what you did?
Can you make a boat which Fflic could float in?

3. Handwriting
This week Mrs Jones has made a video to remind you how to write your cursive letters. Today we are going to practise a and c.
Handwriting with Mrs Jones.

4. Maths
Addition and Subtraction. You can choose games from either folders. The green chilli games are a little easier to start with.
5. Phonics
You will need to sign in to play these games.
Username: march20
Password: home.
Parents - there are many suitable games and difficulty levels to choose from on this site. Please support your child to select an appropriate game and to monitor their progress.
6. Y1 Spelling
Here is the spelling list for Y1. Can you learn the words and get mum or dad to test you on Friday.
1. this
2. have
3. went
4. there
5. what
8. Survey
10. The Big Question
The artist Banksy painted this image and it hangs in a hospital entrance. Look at the picture and have a think about this question - Why are Spiderman and Batman in the bin?
Talk to your family about your opinions and ask them the same question.