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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Autumn Term Home Learning

Autumn Term 1

We are not going to set a full home learning menu until after Half Term. We would prefer the children to focus on the other home learning activities which we have set on the web page. The expected weekly activities which can be found on our "Home Quest" page are Reading Eggs, Numbots (Y2) and TT Rockstars (Y3). In addition, we would like you to listen to your children reading regularly and learn the spelling words for a few minutes each night. If you need any help please contact one of the team!


If your child is keen to get started on the home learning menu, we have set one creative challenge for them to get them eased in!


1. Make a Rainbow!

Can you make a rainbow? You can use any media and be as creative as you like. This could be a collage, painting, clay etc. Please bring your rainbow to school when it is completed so we can display it in our home learning area.


How you choose to present your work is up to you. We love seeing independence and different ideas, it is what makes the children of Llanrhidian so independent and creative. The more creative the better.

  • Use HWB
  • PowerPoint
  • Memory stick
  • iMovie
  • Email into school
  • Homework book
  • Collage
  • Painting
  • Poster
  • 3D model
  • Lego model