1. Christmas Jumpers
If you have any spare Christmas jumpers please send them into school asap. We will be selling these soon for £1 each.
2. Parents' Meetings through TEAMS
On reflecting on our "telephone" parent evenings, we would like to encourage families to engage with us through Teams. (Unfortunately the school systems do not support Zoom or Skype) We have put a support page on this website to help you with the setting up of teams. This is a great platform for meeting with staff, and is already part of your child's Hwb account. To learn more please click here.
3. Christmas Lunch
This year, instead of a cooked Christmas dinner, the local authority is offering a party bag as an alternative. The food will be provided in activity fun bags still making the time as special as we can.
4. Digital Exclusion
We have been asked to share the following information from the Local Authority: Digital Exclusion - During the first lockdown, schools looked to identify those pupils that were digitally excluded and with the support of Swansea Council and Welsh Government, provided connectivity and devices to learners. We are currently trying to ascertain any further barriers to home/blended learning, especially those caused by digital exclusion. We would be grateful if you could share this survey (digitally or hard copy) with parents to enable us to find what these barriers are and so that we can continue to provide appropriate strategies that support you with the continuation of learning. Please click here
5. Christmas Raffle
We are now collecting raffle prizes for our traditional Christmas Raffle. Please see below for the colour of your class.
Nursery - Green
Reception - White
Year 1 - Silver
Year 2 - Purple
Year 3 - Purple
Miss Colwill - Red
Mr Dowsett - Gold
If you would like more tickets please contact the office or visit our Christmas Shopping Channel
6. Santa's Grotto
We have made a deal with the real Santa to provide pupils with a personal video from Llanrhidian's Grotto. For more information visit our Christmas Shopping Channel.
7. Christmas Shopping Channel - Pupils will be making and selling goods online this year on our new Shopping Channel! This is a great place to see what goods we have available - all profits benefit the pupils.